In Chat 9:30 PM watching Braves game.......

How do you like those retro Brave unis, GTT?

I'd like to see retro GT unis at homecoming, like say, the unis worn by the team 50 years ago.
This year, those would be very special indeed, being those worn by an NC team in the Glory Days.
As a child of the 70s, I love the retro Brave unis. Reminds me of the days of Phil Neikro, Gary Matthews, Willie Montanez, Biff Pocoroba, Brian Asselstine, Mike Lum, Darrell Chaney, Jerry Royster, Andy Messerschmidt (the FIRST MLB free agent), Jeff Burroughs and others. The Braves were actually one of the few teams that had COOLER uniforms back then than they do now.
Gosh, technician, I'm glad YOU like them; I can't stand them. That lower case "a" on the cap....

Those old '70s Braves uniforms were AWFUL then and are AWFUL now. They look like a forty-somethings softball team. Blechhhh

It does remind of being a kid in the '70s, but what a wretched jersey. Interestingly, they do look a little different than they did back then because everyone is wearing them so baggy. Back in the 70s, the darn things were worn skin tight.

Hey Goldtimer, I like your idea of wearing the 1952 jersey, complete with navy numbers and three stripes on the sleeves (navy gold navy). I think it looked really good and would look great now
Retro unis were fine for a few games. I think they've over done this deal. Don't really like the look, but think it's interesting. Brings back memories which is fun.

Now.....GT playing in retro unis would be awesome for homecoming. I'm wondering how the players would react to that. Would it be a good experience? Could they wear the same unis as a national championship team and feel awesome about it? Maybe it would help them know more about GT history. I like the idea.