Interesting article germane to recent discussions (LINK)


Nov 25, 2001

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>
Corso, a college football coach for 26 years before becoming an ESPN analyst in 1987, stressed that he was not talking about a specific coach -- rather, about any coach who lies about his credentials.

"Why do they do it?" Corso said, repeating a question. "Because they have character flaws.

"I don't say this without having been a coach for a long time -- going back to 1958 -- and having seen thousands of coaches: You've got a character flaw when you lie like that."

And if your defense is that someone else put the erroneous info in the bio without your knowledge -- or that someone else was supposed to check it out or take it out -- you won't get a sympathetic ear from Corso, either.

"When you get caught, it's always: 'It's not me; it's the other guy,' " he said. "People . . . blame the other guy instead of accepting responsibility and saying, 'I'm stupid. I did it because I'm dumb. Hope you won't hold it against me.' "

I tell you I apologize to everyone who thinks (and knows) that I am dragging this out and I should let it go. If you feel this way please bear with me I will be over it in a few days.

But I am somewhat disappointed with some of the reaction with regard to these allegations. I went and saw someone at the jail last night and I told him the offer was 20 years to serve 10 years and by law he would serve all 10 years (no possibility for parole with this type of crime). My world is surrounded by harsh realities. The way that I cope with this is with bright line rules. I accept that there are certain standards and when you deviate from those standards there are consequences.

If I let myself believe that some people are held to lesser standards then I will not be able to do my job.

I am a young lawyer. I am less than 3 years old in lawyer age. I have already seen a client go to prison for 20 years of which he must serve 18 years.

We can tell ourselves that these are bad people and they are different from us. But the reality is they are people that made mistakes. Sometimes they are bad people and sometimes they are not.

I understand your view on all this and I'm not offended. I respect your views and I understand that you have to deal with this type of thing (from a criminal aspect)daily. But I think you're beating this incident into the ground. I think by now, we've all heard every possible argument there is on this subject.

I think the best thing to do is just wait and see what happens between DB, CG and the Committee. Some good will probably come from all this. We'll probably come out of this with a better system of checks and balances.
I agree with Bugboy... and although I like Lee Corso... I do think he has the tendacy to to be like Max Howell at times.... both like to see themselves as all knowing, and they are not...

and Law_bee... I will share with you an incident in my career about 15 years ago... a complaint was made against an employee that worked for me... this employee had a brash personality, spoke her mind, etc, which didnt sit well with some managers because she challenged them... the police came to the office and arrested her based on this complaint... she was taken to jail... the immediate reaction from management was to fire her.. how could she do this thing she was accused of doing... I didnt fire her, I told them we didnt have all the facts, as it turned out, the accusations were not true.... this incident ran in papers, etc... most were ready to string her up to a tree... but as it turned out, the person accusing had an agenda, and although the shell of the complaint was valid, the basis of the complaint was false, again, I am not saying I condone someone lying to get a job... I would fire them on the spot... but, we dont know the truth... but, I have a feeling we will know the details in a very short time frame... and if there is positive proof... lets start looking for other coaches... if this turns out to be false, or not as its been reported, Hollis should be a man and write a story to accommodate, although I dont think his are big enough to allow him to do that...

My comments are based on what Mr. Smith and Mr. Robinson have said and nothing more.

and like I said I hope there is some remedy short of them losing their jobs.
this is non gt related but, mandated minimum sentencing is wrong. also trying 13, 14 15 yr olds as adults is wrong. people who endorse this sentencing apparently dont remember when they were young and stupid. the lawmakers cater to the masses and think anything related to giving any one the benefit of the doubt is being soft on crime and feel they will not get elected again. if a 14 year old isnt smart enough to vote, or is too young to be put in military service, he should not be tried as a adult. call me foolish, liberal or out of touch but, i remember when i was a young stupid child. by the way, i am the one who contacted you about back pay i was due from a former employer and when i sent the registered letter , i received a check about 2 days later. he was a true asshole.
My $.02. I don't mind the ribbing we are taking from UGA fans and the media, but what I despise are the sweeping summaries made about the character of 2 men (TR and RS) from people who don't know them from Adam's housecat. The AJC took shots at CG's character today as well. One guy on "The Sports Stick" has called TR and RS "liars". The shame of this is that Hummer nor anyone else voicing opinions knows these people except for CG and maybe in RS' case, Larry New. My real question is this: Shouldn't these men be judged on the totality of their life and careers?Is this offense (if that's what it turns out to be) so egregous (sp?) that these men are not redeemable? Which is a greater virtue:to stick by a good man who did something wrong, or to give up quickly on a good man because he did something wrong?
Thank you, Goldenbird.
(by the way, it's E-G-R-E-G-I-O-U-S)
Good post Golden... and my spelling leaves alot to be desired as well...

I agree with you on all accounts... and as far as Buck and Kincaid go.. I stopped listening to them in early December... Buck admitted that his bio was wrong at 680, but he had it corrected, my question to him would be, how did it get that way in the first place, and how long had it been that way... I am sure it would still include "several markets" if the GOL fiasco had not happended... If the position they took with RS and TR indicates their belief, then Buck should admit that he is a liar as well... Both are immature men, who lack professionalism, they sort of remind me of lounge lizards... Buck should get on his knees and thank God every night for Hershel... without him, he was just another mediocre quarterback, playing on another mediocre Georgia team... I just let Clarke tell me how to save some money....
Bellyseries: Believe it or not I originally(sp?) had an "i" and took it out - I should always go with my first hunch. Thanks!