Interesting comment from an AU fan


Sep 4, 2005
I was talking to an AU grad at halftime. He mentioned seeing a big brawl just inside the turnstile near the north end of the east stands before the game. Blood, teeth, hair, etc. He said a woman was struck when she tried to break it up. He also said he followed this group on the way to the stadium, and to no surprise it was the uga rednecks that started the fight.

In that he was an AU fan, I asked him if he went to last week's Iron Bowl and if the UA and AU fans get into the fighting and redneckery that the uga fans bring.

His answer was that it is a whole different atmosphere. Fans from either side treat the game with such reverance its almost religious. The AU and UA faithful don't even speak to each other on game day. I'm sure there are fights, but nothing in comparison to our white trash redneck rivals.

I am sick of calling them rivals. That would indicate peer respect. I have no use for these assholes that go out of their way to ruin a perfectly good Saturday night.

You know its out of hand when I thanked God that I was able to get my 15 yo daughter home without violence. They suck.
My wife mentioned repeatedly that she was concrned

for our safety. I'm not small, and GT fans had numbers but she is correct. She grew up in south Macon and she knows low class inbred yokels and what they are inclined towards.

We really should refuse to play them at night. They will do something that will make GT look bad otherwise. Imagine if we had a knifing or shooting or, God forbid, a death.
I always wonder about AU/UA, I would love to go to that game to see if the rivalry is truly what the media says it is. What other fights were there at the game? I didn't see any and thought the mutts were strangely quiet for most of the game. Like that one episode at halftime when the Ugag kid sat in the Tech student section, it never went beyond verbal abuse but a part of me wanted to see him get the sh!t beat out of him.
I was at the mind you a box, but didn't see anything between fans before or after except some good natured ribbing. Unfortunately, before the game I saw some GT fans, students I think, break off a UGA flag from a car and key it. I would have reported it, but I couldn't find anyone...of course, I didn't look very hard either... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/2orglaugh.gif
I always wonder about AU/UA, I would love to go to that game to see if the rivalry is truly what the media says it is. What other fights were there at the game? I didn't see any and thought the mutts were strangely quiet for most of the game. Like that one episode at halftime when the Ugag kid sat in the Tech student section, it never went beyond verbal abuse but a part of me wanted to see him get the sh!t beat out of him.

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I've been to both games at least half a dozen times. To your question, the media doesn't even come close to describing the Iron Bowl. The atmosphere is incredible. I'd kill for the GT-uga game to have that kind of intensity in the stands. Bama has its share of trashy fans, but in my experience at that game, they've kept the trash talk and fighting to a minimum. I've seen absolutely drunk rednecks after the game congratulating Auburn fans on a game well played. I've been in Bham, Auburn, and Tuscaloosa, and have never seen a single fight in any of those places.

This Saturday at GT was a different story. I actually saw 2 fights and heard of 2 more. As was already said, the big difference here is a lack of respect. UGA fans have zero respect for Tech, and Tech fans reciprocate. The taunting I saw from numerous dawg fans after the game was ridiculous. Seemed to me like they just wanted to fight. Once again, my respect for uga and their fans is at an all-time low. Strange that they can't just enjoy a victory. We went to a bar after the game and dawg fans were still talking trash. I'm surprised I didn't end up in jail.

Two days after the game and I keep getting madder. This sucks.
This rivalry will never have the relavence like the AU/UA game. For one, it has no implication on the conference outcome like that game.
also, lf you look at any rivalry, especially where one team has a streak going against the other, the only things fans can say and in most cases say after losing is that at least their fans are better. Happens everytime. I live for the day when Ugag fans can only talk about means we won. Would gladly exchange talk about bad fans for wins in this series.
Re: My wife mentioned repeatedly that she was concrned

My hope is that our fan base that comes to games and gets season tickets continues to grow. IF it does then at home the UGA game won't be that big a deal.

My first two years at Ravens New Stadium was awful. Because anyone could get the seats, the lowest of lows and drunks were intermingled throughout the stands. But as the seasons wore on and the prices continued upward, those types have vanished.

What we're dealing with against UGA is that the lower middle class can afford the tickets right now. When season tickets are required the stupid drunks tend to disappear. Here's hoping and our trend has been good lately.
I was trying to get in that gate before the game and saw what was going on. It took me 30 minutes to get into the gate.
I saw the ugag fan and GT fan going at it but I have NO idea on what started it and who wouldn't let it go. I was about 30 people behind them or I would have tried to break it up myself.
There was a post on The Hive earlier about a GT Student who got hit from behind by a ugagger and this guy has been in the hospital since Sat night. They said he was going to be ok, but there was some damage and he would be in the hospital for a couple of weeks and would probably miss the rest of this semester.
My biggest problem with them(and I only saw a few bad ones this year) is that they don’t act like VISITORS when they come to BDS@HGF. They think that they own the place and can do what they want when they want. And, like I said it wasn’t all of them or even most of them.. But, they few drunken rednecks that think they OWN the place are the problem.

When I go to road games, I show the home team respect because I am in THEIR HOUSE! Yes, even Puke. ;)
Re: My wife mentioned repeatedly that she was concrned


My first two years at Ravens New Stadium was awful. Because anyone could get the seats, the lowest of lows and drunks were intermingled throughout the stands. But as the seasons wore on and the prices continued upward, those types have vanished.

What we're dealing with against UGA is that the lower middle class can afford the tickets right now. When season tickets are required the stupid drunks tend to disappear. Here's hoping and our trend has been good lately.

[/ QUOTE ]

I beg to differ with your opinion. It is to my understanding as per a friend of mine who is a graduate of UGA that tickets runs about $900/year of the home games for season tickets. They are completly sold out. That does however alliviate much of the middle/lower class for anyone. Now whose to say with the 90k seats they cant get them from a ticket broker or on ebay .
Just trying to keep the facts straight on the board /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: My wife mentioned repeatedly that she was conc

I actually almost had to get physical after the game with a drunk mutt fan. I'll take the verbal assaults, the mutts are just classless fans, win or lose. But people getting up in my face, I will not tolerate.

Matter of fact, my first ever GT-UGA game as a child, I was cussed out and some drunk GA fan, probably 40 years old, verbally attacked me and almost ripped the program and gameday memorabilia out of my hands. Classless fans for the most part, thats all I can say. That's why losing to them hurts so damn bad!
Re: My wife mentioned repeatedly that she was conc

I will not say they are ALL classless, just most of them. From a UGA fan that went to the game with me " we're just happy to walk out of here with a win, yall should have won this game". Now i did have some altercations with some UGA fans during the day, only 1 resulted in violence. I guess it sucks when your a drunk uga fan talking shit in the face of a 6 ft 2 250 lb former high school wrestler and fb player. In my opinion the way uga fans act directly result from one thing, they think GT is below them and should be nothing but a win for them. The only way to change this is to kick their ass on the field over and over. WE KICKED THEIR ASS ALL OVER THE FIELD THIS YEAR! However we lost the game. I think coach gailey has got us better each year in a few phases of the game per year, now all we need to work on is finnishing games. ALSO i want to say that overall ALL FANS WERE LOUD SATURDAY! But the GT STUDENTS DESERVE SOME RECOGNITION>...................they were crazy all game long all game long , they deserve some serious thank you's!
Re: My wife mentioned repeatedly that she was conc

I have to agree, I was worried going in how much of a fan advantage we would have, and I was pleasntly surprised. Our fans did do a great job IMO on Saturday night. Yellow Jacket alley was packed, and I was happy to see the enthusiasm.
I thought the dawgies were not as vocal as they were two years ago and the only trouble I saw was a few after the game. We had one in the row of section 104/105, a young guy who got into a shoving match with Tech folks about 3 different times before a large older Tech fan, probably a former football player mashed his head against the concrete and held him down until the cops got there. But they just let him up and walked him up the stairs and out the exit.

THERE DEFINITELY IS NOT ENOUGH POLICE PRESENCE AT THIS GAME ANYMORE. ESPECIALLY IF ITS AT NIGHT. I can remember the '75 game on Thanksgiving night when there were cops every damn where. I saw people tossed out of that game for yelling obscenities, much less actual violence. Dave Braineless needs to... aw hell why even bring him up.

The other key thing though is the 3 game ticket packages that invite Dawg fans to come to our Thursday night game and taunt us and come to the UGag game in force. All in all though I thought our fans were well represented and loud. I know I was. My only complaint is that the band just sat there and let the UGA band play all their shit at the end of the game when they should have been challenging them.

I yelled at every UGAg fan I got close too leaving the stadium who was running his mouth. Everytime I heard one yell how bout them dawgs I yelled out "piss on em". I could only giggle when some chanted the "Reg gie Ball" cheer cause that didn't mean crap to me.