Interesting thread on new GT admissions


Nov 25, 2001
Posted by jgbuzz on March 25, 2002 at 17:03:30: from

These are the numbers as reported to the Gwinnett County GT Club by the VP of Enrollment and Admissions on Thursday night.....

In-State average GPA--CORE classes ONLY (P.E. and "fun" electives do not count)......3.82

Average SAT--1379

The most heavily-weighted component of an application.....(drum roll please........the essay. Yes, the essay.

There is no way in Hades I would ever be accepted by today's standards.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">this has been caused by the hope scholarship. My concern is that now deserving kids are being forced to look elsewhere (Auburn, Ala, USC, and etc.) to pursue a college education. I would like to see Georgia Southern attempt to step up and move to division I to fill that void.

and if someone wants to talk about old SAT vs new SAT scores here is the link


For a school like GT (which weighs Math more than Verbal) the difference is nominal.
Originally posted by law_bee:

For a school like GT (which weighs Math more than Verbal) the difference is nominal.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I agree, big state schools gain a lot from the recentering...they can go around and say they have *cough* improving academics ;-)

Someone might want to investigate this, but I believe out-of-state students might have something to do with the scores. All the out-of-staters I know have at least the average scores and higher, which would make sense with Tech being a Georgia state school and all. I believe non-GA residents also make up the biggest bulk of President Scholars.

But I wonder about there a higher percentage of students who are Tech sports fans nowadays than before? I'm wondering because we do have a large percentage of non-GA and non-US citizens who make up our student body. Will this hurt us in the long run in terms of fan support...or does winning solve all these problems?

Winning is a partial solution to the problem. Let's face it, no matter how much we win, we'll always be 2nd in fan support in this state...and I mean a distant 2nd.

But winning will improve our lot to the point where that won't matter. As long as we can recruit the kids we need and can fill our stadium, then so what if UGA has more fans. Let's also remember that we're light years ahead of where we were in the 80's and the early 90's.

We'll always have to take a bunch of folks from out-of-state. That's just the way it is and the way it will remain, as this state's public schools do not produce enough quality students who want an engineering education.

No doubt that the Hope Scholarhip is the reason that UGA admission standards have gone up. In the old days, the average Georgia high school graduate with a decent SAT and decent grades (not great in either category) could easily get into UGA. Due to the demand, UGA has been forced to increase it's standards. Another factor is that the population of the state has swelled, fueled by the growth of metro Atlanta. This adds more demand for UGA admissions.

I have a cousin from Macon. She had awesome grades and many extra-cirricular activities in high school. She applied to go to UGA. She was turned down I think because her SAT wasn't high enough. That would have never happened in the old days. Guess where she's going to school? Georgia Southern.

I think, as Law Bee states above, that Georgia Southern must step into UGA's old slot and be the "Common Georgia Man's" school. Tech can never be that, and personally I like it that way. I like Tech's uniqueness. UGA has been "Hoped" out of that situation. That leaves Georgia Southern. Let's face it. A state with the population of Georgia deserves another big-time school.

That's my view. Having grown up in this state, it's hard to believe all the changes in the 90's. It's like a totally different state now, particularly with respect to higher education.