Iowa State out gains FSU 460-430

Ramblin Buzz

Varsity Lurker
Feb 28, 2002
FSU held on and pulled it out, but Iowa State pounded the FSU fairly well. That was the poorest tackling FSU defense I have seen in many many years. I would have never thought ISU would run the ball between the tackles as well as they did.

FSU better pull it together quickly. Poor Iowa State has to face Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas State the rest of the way, just to name a few.
ISU's QB had the eyes of an assassin on that last drive. Too bad they couldn't tie it up.
I think he was in on the play before the time ran out diving in the corner. Replay showed his foot wasn't out of bounds and ball went over the corner marker. That whould have been a TD!

Awesome game to watch!
Shouldn't FSU fire Bobby Bowden and Mickey Andrews?? Haven't they forgotten how to coach???
If Coach O'leary and Roof had given up that kind of yardage to ISU...some of you 'unappreciative pissants' would be sure they had forgotten how to coach. Right???

Seriously, all football dynasties begin a very slow unraveling as their head coach/legend becomes aged and unfocused. (See Bear Bryant and Joe Paterno). At +/-72 years of age, Pappa Bowden may be stating to show signs of that unraveling.........One can only hope.
Originally posted by beeware:
Shouldn't FSU fire Bobby Bowden and Mickey Andrews?? Haven't they forgotten how to coach???
If Coach O'leary and Roof had given up that kind of yardage to ISU...some of you 'unappreciative pissants' would be sure they had forgotten how to coach. Right???

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Please give it a rest Beeware...

GOL and Roof didnt have a thing to do with the FSU game last night...

The only gripe I have about GOL is that he didnt do his job last year... and I dont care what you say... he didnt do the job last year... and I dont think anyone could argue that point.... in my opinion, they seemed to have forgotten how to coach last year.... on the whole I very much appreciate what GOL did for Tech... BUT HE CHOSE TO LEAVE !! What is it that you dont get about that?

I think it was evident that FSU got lazy last night, maybe conditioning is a factor ... they clearly had more talent that ISU, but underestimated the tenacity ... the FSU defense did not look as good as I expected, but they do have great speed... losing that big lead was akin to alot of Tech games in the last few years
Just using some of the Braine-dead 'logic ?!?!'...that some of you guys use.

Originally posted by bobby dodds ghost:
Seriously, all football dynasties begin a very slow unraveling as their head coach/legend becomes aged and unfocused. (See Bear Bryant and Joe Paterno). At +/-72 years of age, Pappa Bowden may be stating to show signs of that unraveling.........One can only hope.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I've already predicted to you guys that Richt would leave UGAg to take the head job at F$U. Either after this season or after next...
I think it may be a little too early to judge how well or how poor FSU and their coaches really are. This WAS a first game remember and first games can be pretty tricky. We'll see how much yardage they give up and how poor their tackling is on November 9th at BDS.
I would love to see the Fourth Richt leave Athens for FSU in a few years. He would be my choice over Andrews, or any of the Bowden boys. Jeff Bowden could be the man, though.
Don't be misled too far.That ISU QB may be the most dangerous in country this yr.Ask Ala from last yr bowl game.
Agreed that it is awful early, and the ISU game may have been the wake up call that pushes FSU back to their glory days on defense, but honestly, did anyone expect nearly 500 yards from ISU on Saturday? 460 is alot of yardage.

FSU has plenty of time to get it together, and I expect to see a totally different squad on Nov. 9th.
This goes back to what I was thinking before the season. FSU is NOT going to go back to their dynasty days. Poor ol' ISU played them right off of their feet. I think we'll do the same in BDS this year and we have a real chance at beating them.
We certainly have a good chance of beating FSU this year, especially if our coaches learning curve does not turn out to be too steep. But anyone that watched that game shouldn't mislead themselves into thinking that FSU is not going to be a great team this year. Rix is going to be very good and has a strong cast of receivers. And the FSU D is very fast. And the FSU offensive line is awesome.
FSU does tend to start slow in the season and build up strong by the end. If anyone watched that game and missed out on how good FSU is, and more importantly how good they are going to be by November, then they need to take their head out of the sand.
Man, something must really be up today - this is the second or third time already that I have agreed with Beeware.

Nice post, Bee. I agree that F$U is going to be tough, and that Iowa State playing nearly even with them is not an indication that they are overrated or ripe for multiple losses and another disappointing season. They are tough, and they will be tough all year. Additionally, Iowa State will probably surprise a few teams this year. The Big XII appears to be loaded and their road will be tough, but I don't think ISU is the patsy some would have you believe.

We and the rest of the ACC will have our hands full this season. Time will tell, but I think F$U will be at or near the top in the conference and in the nation.

I am in Beeware's camp on this as well... the close call for FSU could have been the best thing to happen to that team... it will probably make them work a little harder... and when you combine hard work with the obvious talent that they have... it spells success... they are going to be a very tough team on Nov 9... I wouldnt be surprised to see them undefeated....
To early to predict trouble with FSU team from game Sat. They got the win. Yes, they got kicked around pretty good the second half, but they've been known to struggle early in the year in past. I give Iowa St. a lot of credit.

A young UVA team in Tally is going to see a different team IMO. This one could get very ugly. Don't think they can come close to stopping the nole O. There will be big play after big play in this one. Look for their D to get a number of take aways. Think UVA has some talented speedy young players that will make plays, but look for mistakes too. Tally is going to be a rough place to play. This game might set a record for most number of penalties with FSU ticked off on D and a young UVA team.
FSU will be a very good team this year. I just don't see them reaching that same level as they were consistently at from '87 to '00. They've lost a little bit of their "pop" on defense.

I don't think they have dominating defensive ends. Without dominating DE's, their defense is much more "human".

OTOH, they'll still score a bunch of points on everyone they play. I do think that once they went up 31-7, they eased up a little bit and let ISU back into the game.

They'll probably win the ACC, but it will be tougher than many think.