Is GTAA seeking federal relief funds?


Petard Hoister
May 23, 2010
I'm curious if anyone has any idea if the GTAA is seeking any assistance from the govt during the shutdown?

The CARES Act contained a wide variety of emergency relief measures – the one I am most familiar with is the PPP program which provides forgivable SBA loans to small businesses (under 500 employees). Non-profit corporations are specifically included, so at first glance it appears as if the GTAA would qualify for the money.

Anyone heard anything about this?
The GTAA is definitely not for profit, so we have that going for us.
I'm curious if anyone has any idea if the GTAA is seeking any assistance from the govt during the shutdown?

The CARES Act contained a wide variety of emergency relief measures – the one I am most familiar with is the PPP program which provides forgivable SBA loans to small businesses (under 500 employees). Non-profit corporations are specifically included, so at first glance it appears as if the GTAA would qualify for the money.

Anyone heard anything about this?
Assuming they are 501(c)(3), yes. Other NPO's are not eligible.
Our local hospital applied. I don't know if we got it before they ran out of money tho.