Best performances?! OK, I'm not going to dog him. It's not that this was his fault. But, the time outs. Man o' man. It seemed like our offense shot their toes when we were getting some semblance of momentum. We are going to need momentum starting this Thursday. RB needs to lead the team through times of indecision for the offense - whether or not it is his indecision.
I will say that I am close to supporting Reggie as our power running game. If we are going to use Grant & Choice as finesse, change of pace backs. Why not use Reggie as our A & B gap running game? Less chance for error.
I went on a tangent, my apologies. I don't think Reggie did anything bad. However, I heard the 790 folks talking him up, he got player of the game, and I just didn't see it. Michael Johnson was my player of the game for the shoe-string tackle he made on Troy's first down after the end zone interception.
Reggie has definitely had better performances than this afternoon. Last year against Carolina was a great performance. His underthrowing Calvin and the mismanagement of our offense stuck out to me as poor.