Is there any way we can prompt D Braine

Pocket Rocket:

Prompt anything you want, "hate" is about Alabama and Auburn, This is not about "hate", unless someone "hates to be criticized". David Braine has missed his responsibilities on to many assignments, too many times, and my fellow Tech Alums do not accept "his inability" to comply with character and accountability. You are treading on thin ice if you think monitoring and hypocritical reaction are going to fold our tenacity. Note the young men that played the Miami Game last night. Those are Tech People - and to be truthful - our abilities to discover, through thorough technological means - who "you" are trying to protect or be - we are more than capable of being a formatable collection of accomplished representatives of a fine educational institution. Fess up, and own up.
Hold on 8 time letterman.
I can only claim to have lettered 4 years at Ga. Tech.

Before I wrote this, I went back and re-read what you wrote 3 times, and I still don't understand what you are trying to say. Maybe you should re read what I wrote. I do believe there must be a very big misunderstanding here. What in hell do you think I was saying?

Its Tech- Ga. week. Are you not comfortable with "hate" in this rivalry? If so, we disagree on that.

My remark about another press conference was directly pointed at our AD that made the world know that we shouldn't expect as much as we do in his press conference of last week. I tried to make a tongue in cheek, humorous relation between the hell of last week and the glorious victory of last night.
If you agree that Ga. Tech should start giving away games before they are played, I disagree with you again.

Lastly, this is a discussion board for ardent Tech fans. Much of what is said is done to entertain and lighten things up. If you don't think humor or attempted humor is needed at a time like this, we just need to disagree again.

By the way 8 time letter winner, is there really a need to make fun of my made up board name?
YEP!!! And Gee, you sure are sensitive. Roll over Dave, now bark like like Dawg. Or quit being so two sided in your comments on this board - we, I, and us are not going to go away because you don't like our responses. "Good Old Fashion Hate" is about everything in college football in the Southeast, especially Georgia Tech and Georgia - and you alluded to "David Braine" - now make your mind up!! We don't hate David Braine - but we are entitled to not accept his lack of performance as an Athletic Director - he's an embarrassment to our program and to the future of our program. Two steps forward four steps back, and in this case "72 STEPS BACK". Got it Pocket Rocket???