Is this a joke?

So we are number 1 at something football related. Can we just be happy about it and not let it go to our heads and not "in-your-face" to dwag fans at the water cooler?
Our teams may not be #1 - but we are here on StingTalk. Congratulations to us for our levelheadedness.
Gagger fans pretty much don't care about us anymore. We have been Georgia State to them. We made progress this past game, but really, really, really we need to beat them at home.
I have it on good authority that uga fans do very much care about Tech and only say we don’t care about you to Tech fans to piss them off. And then some Tech fans say things like “Miami fans are worse than ugaggers! We don’t matter to uga!” to butter their breads and sound like idiots. There’s nobody worse than a uga fan. I’ve lived on 3 continents and risked life in third world soccer matches and I’m telling you right now uga fans are the trashiest fans on the planet.
Georgia sidewalk fans don’t care that much about us - but UGA students and alums care a lot. They know that our academic reputation exceeds theirs and that matters. They hold on to their athletic superiority to build their self-esteem relative to Tech. When they lose to us, especially in football, it matters a lot to them. They don’t enjoy the rivalry as much as you might think given their decades of success against us because a loss to us hurts them worse than a win feels good. As for us, the losses hurt a lot. But, there is no better feeling than the Saturday after Thanksgiving when we win. It does not happen often enough, but it sure is sweet.
Miami is the correct choice. GT is closer to middle of the ACC than either end.

Wake and Duke would be at the top of my list for most level headed. But I think most are relatively level headed compared to say the SEC.

Except for FSU, Clem, Miami, VT.
We do have reasonable expectations as a fanbase generally. Yet they aren't even being met lately.

I think there's probably some upside to unreasonable expectations because you don't hold on to bad coaches too long. The downside is unreasonable expectations can get rid of good coaches.
They could change the columns to be: Low Expectations/High Expectations. That’s what it really boils down to, correct?
Pretty much, but I would rephrase it as the delta between fans' expectations and the reality that can be reasonably expected from a school
We want to win 6-7 games and get embarrassed 1.5 times or less per season. It isn’t unreasonable.