Yeah i got an update: They tweeked his dose of PAXIL too high. Poor bastard hasn't slept since the MSU game. Ziping through the house 100 miles an hour - curseing TV for not having us televised this week. I told the youngster that it was a BYE week and CPJ is getting the boys focused for this Saturday. He texted Herbstreet for verification, upon receiving the reposnse, and yet still not satisfied- He texted back to Herbstreet that he was a boob and that GT would kick the S*** out of OSU. Following this rant - he's out the door tonight heading to Durham -clad in Gold to greet the Duke students with obscenities and chanting NO LET DOWN- NO LET DOWN as they head to class tommorrow. I Will be on the phone shortly with his 5th grad teacher to alert her to this recent episode. Im sure he will be home directly; where as, i did manage to nab his pill stash. Keep you posted