Just curios re Houston...


Varsity Lurker
Jun 27, 2004
Many people here were pretty adamant last week that they didn't want Houston playing this game. In light of the huge victory, I was wondering 1) Did he play and 2) If that still bothers you or at this point is the attitude "Heck we just won a great game, who cares about Houston?
I would have preferred he not be on the team

but i think if he is you have to play the best players. now, why he played as much as he did id my question. personally, i hope he is returning punts this week.

If he did not play this thing could get drug out through the postseason as he could have another year to play. So i think playing him makes sense but why he played that much is the question as he could not have been in game shape I wouldn't think.
Re: I would have preferred he not be on the team

Do you think maybe the other players were glad to have him back ?
There was a spark that has been missing all year
Re: I would have preferred he not be on the team


Do you think maybe the other players were glad to have him back ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely. They think he got screwed....and he probably did.
Re: I would have preferred he not be on the team

I think Chan pretty much said that in the post game radio show that RB was and still is part of the FB family.
Re: I would have preferred he not be on the team

I think Chan pretty much said that in the post game radio show that RB was and still is part of the FB family.

[/ QUOTE ]You mean RH, right?
the ONLY bad thing about this win was that RH played and contributed.

As an attorney it is VERY difficult to complain when a client FOLLOWS legal advice. I stated b/f the game that if RH plays I will be disappointed and I am. I ALSO stated that I would also understand and I DO.

MANY HAVE STATED that all CG would have to do is bench him and who plays is in the coaches discretion. THAT IS NOT TRUE.

If legal action is taken then CG will be asked UNDER OATH whether RH was one of the best players and should have played. I BELIEVE THAT CG WOULD HAVE TO TELL THE TRUTH, so there would be some claim available to RH if he could prove damages.

It was a difficult situation but I stand by my believe THAT ANYONE under felony indictment should NOT be allowed to compete in collegiate sports.
law_bee, the only problem I have with you as an attorney is, you make sense. That's not supposed to happen!!!
I pretty much figured that Tech had decided that to avoid more of a situation than it already was, just to play RH and not have to worry about any subsequent 'action' being taken by RH's side.

What law_bee has said about CCG possibly going under oath, ...well, I understand why they played him, but like many of us, I do not like it one bit.

It's still beyond me that a player can be suspended for violation of set team rules, but a player arrested on a felony charge can seek and receive legal recourse to not only dress, but play. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
In reading a lot of the articles after the fact, most reporters seemed to find more fault with the judge interjecting in college athletics than they did with CCG. In fact I don't remember a single article coming down on CCG for playing him other than the fact that he was a little rusty.
a player arrested on a felony charge can seek and receive legal recourse to not only dress, but play.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's the ol' innocent until proven guilty thing....if RH is innocent of the charges, then he should play.

But the trial won't happen for months yet and he won't have an opportunity to play then. From all I've heard he really and truely is innocent of the charges. I'm glad he got to play and gladder he contributed.
Re: I would have preferred he not be on the team

Correct Jack I was not fully awake at that time had a long night
[/ QUOTE ] It's the ol' innocent until proven guilty thing....if RH is innocent of the charges, then he should play.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is true. Obviously we will all have to wait and see on that. I certainly hope he will be cleared and is not guilty of anything if indeed it is the truth.

With everything that went down last week I just wish the RH story would have not happened. Then again, if this did have to become an issue, maybe it was better to go ahead and get out out there while everything else was going on.
It is what it is. Tech tried to fight it on three different legal occassions. We are in the clear for trying.

Quite frankly, the ruling from the NCAA against us has changed my opinion. We are at such a disadvantage in just about every parameter of football, that we should use anything we can from now on. We fought the RH participation, now just use it to our advantage. We've been on self-induced probation for the last many years, we need every body we can get.
It was a difficult situation but I stand by my believe THAT ANYONE under felony indictment should NOT be allowed to compete in collegiate sports
LawBee , if this was your client you would be arguing for him
Would you be trying to get the bond lowered so he would be free until trial ?
Until a jury finds him guilty he is part of the team
You understand that Tom Delay was forced to step down as Speaker of the House b/c he was indicted (NOT FOUND GUILTY).

Social Security checks WILL STOP if you are in jail and UNDER FELONY INDICTMENT (NOT FOUND GUILTY).

There are NUMEROUS rights that you LOSE when you are under felony indictment.

IMO you cannot equate BEING IN JAIL to playing FB at GT. I would not equate being a student at GT to playing FB at GT.

I said at the VERY beginning that RH should be able to continue in school HOWEVER HE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY FOOTBALL. IMO

You do the right thing b/c it is the right thing NOT to acheive the right result.
with regard to me arguing for RH. If RH was in jail/prison I would of course vehemently argue his case.

ONE OF THE REASONS I DO NOT DO CIVIL LAW is b/c I would not have fought GT to get him on the field. I do see distinctions b/n rights of criminal defendants vs civil defendants.

*I do NOT judge OTHER lawyers. I happen to be in a UNIQUE situation that allows me to take the high ground on this issue. My wife's salary is 4x's mine and is growing as I am typing this message, so I am not having to support my family solely based on my legal income. So like I said it is EASY for me to take the high ground on this issue.

The sad thing is LAW has turned into BIG BUSINESS and I think everyone knows what that means.
I think a lot of the reasoning behind playing RH is the players' attitude. It seems they have been behind him the whole time and believe in him. Therefore, for Chan to bench him may have caused problems within the team. I think Davie got it completely wrong...the kids not only didn't have a problem with him playing but wanted him on the field.