Just dug my way out of bunker after direct hit...

bobby dodds ghost

Damn Good Rat
Jun 5, 2002
Wow...sorry it's taken me so long to post on StinGTalk, but its taken me this long to dig out of the "Fire Gailey" bunker deep within the solid rock foundation of "Haters Mountain". A direct hit to the compound from a FOCer missile on Saturday night created much damage, but the control center has regained necessary security measures for the present time.

Beating Auburn the way Tech did was very impressive indeed. Hats off to the team and the coaching staff. I honestly thought Tech would make it a game for three quarters, but fade due to depth in the final minutes.
Now before I get too excited about Gailey and Co., I'm going to wait until after the North Carolina game before I start preparing a white flag here at the compound. I've seen Tech pull this trick before, so patience is in order.

Regardless of what happens on Saturday, the win at Auburn was surprisingly sweet.

If I can throw in my 2 cents worth here. Forget the 2 camp business of FOC and the haters of CCG. All that does is split the family anyway, and jams the gears. Just support your team, enjoy what has happened, and look forward to seeing GT beat UNC.
If you don't want my 2 cents worth, send me a check back for my change. LOL
Wow...sorry it's taken me so long to post on StinGTalk, but its taken me this long to dig out of the "Fire Gailey" bunker deep within the solid rock foundation of "Haters Mountain". A direct hit to the compound from a FOCer missile on Saturday night created much damage, but the control center has regained necessary security measures for the present time.

Beating Auburn the way Tech did was very impressive indeed. Hats off to the team and the coaching staff. I honestly thought Tech would make it a game for three quarters, but fade due to depth in the final minutes.
Now before I get too excited about Gailey and Co., I'm going to wait until after the North Carolina game before I start preparing a white flag here at the compound. I've seen Tech pull this trick before, so patience is in order.

Regardless of what happens on Saturday, the win at Auburn was surprisingly sweet.


[/ QUOTE ]

now that is funny.

Hate to admit it but that was pretty funny BDG.

Signed, FOC

Don't forget to turn the light off when you leave.
Good show, BDG.

I guess this begins to answer the question BoR posted a while back about what it would take to get the fan base back together:

A huge, nationally televised, prime time whoopin' of the reigning national champions on a 15 game winning streak in their own stinking back yard in front of 89,000 people representing about 7 distinct family trees, that's what it takes.

Welcome back, BDG. Tell Beeware its ok to come out from under Ms whatshername's dress now.
Re: Just dug my way out of bunker after direct hi

Nothing like fair weather fans.

TECH loses miserably, it's "see I told you so."

TECH does good, it's "maybe I shouldn't hav'nt been an ASSHOLE."

Screw you and your lack of support. We don't need ya.
dig, dig, dig, you deserve some shovel...

time good friend, and buddy......don't jump too soon in either direction.......we have only just begun!!!!!!!!
Similar here

I almost got blown off the fence by the force of that explosion. A lot of anchors are loose. The fence is leaning, forcing a tight hold on the top bar. Very near the same angle as the afterglow of the 2003 Auburn game & 2004 Clemson gm. NCar & UConn determine if a gale comes up from the other direction to even things out.
Yeah, and the O-2 masks are dangling........

while some are succoming to the lack of GT oxgen, while others are (so they "feel") in Nirvana.
Hypoxia is setting in on the "anti(s)" and presently sweet oxygen is being fed to true fans who say " Tech all the way, I don't give a damn".
Others: who knows?????? but it can be safely betted upon: there is a difference between those who want a win and those, who daringly wear old gold (hypocritically) and yet who want Gailey to fail, even if it means collapse to the entire football effort at Tech, still reduntantly persist, are present and vocal.
"Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!!!!!"
You got a good laugh outta me.

I also agree that we need to temper our excitement for the time being. We NEED to be 3-0 heading up to Blacksburg.
Burdell hit it

even the hard core doubters have to smile at this one,aubuns at Home,it doesn't get much sweeter than this,unless it is the leghumpers at home
Always thought this was cute.

Now I want to know if the bunker is still intact after a nuclear bunker buster shot /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif