Just for fun!


Sep 4, 2005
With the recent dropping of the word "Peach" by the geniouses at Chik-Fil-A, I thought it would be fun to think of other bowl game possibilities where their greedy sponsors (real or imagined) can't keep their hands off of the name of the game, and as a result the public gives it the name that will stick,..as in from The Peach Bowl to The chik-fil-a Peach Bowl to The Chik-Fil-A Bowl to The Chicken Bowl.

I would think there are hundreds of good ones out there.

Here's a bad one, but the idea: The Great Lakes Bowl to The Firestone Great Lakes Bowl to The Firestone Bowl to the ... Tire Blowout Bowl.

OK, I started to look at this, and then I saw:

The San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl

Is that really a bowl??? You've got to be kidding me!!!

So, I'm not very good at following directions, but...

In a stunning move, party-goers everywhere will be happy to know that the Fiesta and Holiday bowls have combined to give you the "Pacific Fiesta Holiday for Life Bowl".

UPS buys the rights to the Fedex Orange Bowl and renames it the Brown Bowl.

Chick-fil-a actually buys the exclusive rights to all bowls that are fruits, flowers, or other growing things and renames them as follows:

Rose Bowl becomes the Chick-fil-a #2 Combo Bowl
Orange Bowl becomes the Chick-fil-a Brownie Bowl
Cotton Bowl becomes the Chick-fil-a We-didn't-invent-the-chicken-just-the-chicken-sandwich Bowl
Poinsettia Bowl becomes the Chick-fil-a Carrot Raisin Salad Bowl
I had just never hear something like "McDonald's Grant Field at Fed Ex Bobby Dodd Stadium on the Campus of Georgia Tech as brought to you by Tostitos."
The "Chik-Fil-A We Paid For the Naming Rights So Youse Can Kiss Our Arses But Don't Forget To Buy Tickets" Bowl.

Does anybody actually refer to it as the "Nokia/Sugar Bowl?"
Why not continue to refer to it as the 'Peach' Bowl? I know I am.

Does anybody actually refer to it as the "Nokia/Sugar Bowl?"

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the beef (pun intended). It is the Nokia Sugar Bowl, just like it was the C-F-A Peach Bowl.
No other sponsor of a 38 year old bowl game has been tacky enough to try to purchase and drop the name of the game.
You are right though. It will stay as the Peach with me too.

Question; what does C-F-A expect to get for their $22m that they already didn't have?
Isn't that a lot of money for really nothing.

Seems pretty stupid, but maybe that's why I am not a millionaire.
I can understand Truet Cathy wanting all the publicity for Chic Fill A that he can muster up, but dropping "Peach" from the Georgia home bowl is like changing Robert E. Lee's homeplace to Bobby's house. This could be cause for a riot in the streets of America. I can see it all now. Policemen on horseback with their billy clubs beating off the tv commercial cows, and chickens getting their necks wrung off, and Peach Bowl devotees protesting.......... Does Cathy really understand the magnitude that this change could cause? Maybe he should re-visit this idea. Atlanta could possibly burn again. What a dilema.
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you guys are looking at it from the perspective

of someone who wants to keep the local traditions of the Peach Bowl

and you are totally missing the point of this marketing exercise.

premise: Peach Bowl, fincanced by CFA wants to move up in pecking order and become a top-echelon bowl, perhaps all the way to BCS

problems: a, money, b, SEC tie-in contract, c, what the country thinks when they hear "peach bowl"

so, while you and other locals and GA residents and purists might be offended and might continue to call it the Peach Bowl (just like many still fly the former flag of the state of georgia), the WHOLE IDEA is to lose the connection between the current CFA Bowl and the former Peach bowl, so that school ads, school presidents, conference commissioners, sponsors and so forth are able to see it in a new light, and not as 'the cute peach bowl down there in atlanta'

so, perhaps you see the intent of CFA, which is just now establishing itself as a national brand, to leverage that move with a re-packaging of its ONLY national media exposure at all (on ESPN), and remove the cute and proverbially 'traditional' peachy name and go ahead to a bigger and better future with a bigger payout and a better pick in the order

you may not like it, but the marketing is sound. as you yourself suggest, if its the nokia sugar bowl, you just call it the sugar bowl, but if its the nokia bowl, what do you call it? for a while, you may still call it sugar, you you would forget which bowl used to be named what and you would have no choice but to call it by its name...

marketing lessons by internet..
Re: you guys are looking at it from the perspective

marketing lessons by internet..

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess if you have $22 mil to spend on this, you have a bunch more to recover from it.

Maybe you missed the opinion of many others that believe C-F-A is not by any means a national name, and it probably will never be.
The food business is quirky. Regional items stay regional.
Hamburgers work because they are supposed to taste the same wherever you go.

CFA is a local masterpiece of a business but that will probably be it on a large scale. If they actually tried to make CFA as brand recognizeable as a BK or Mac'Ds, they would go broke.
If you have the interest, let me tell you about a national rollout plan for barbeque that I opposed and told my client so. He fired me and went ahead with it, but then realized what he had been told already: There is great recipe and flavor loyalty region to region. They failed. CFA will either fail entirely, or will just lose their ass in the process.

Also, what is your problem with the word "Peach", and what the state of Ga. represents? Two questions there.

Free reality lessons by internet.
Re: you guys are looking at it from the perspective

Actually CFA is already in all but about 12 states so I'd say they do qualify as a national name with the recognition that goes with it. Not sure what you think they're going to fail with?
Re: you guys are looking at it from the perspective

Well there you go. I live in their home city and still think of CFA as a southern speciality.
At a plus 20 pounds on my doctor's game plan, I am certainly within the demographic unit that CFA must look at.

This doesn't need to become an examination of CFA's marketing plan. I happen to think it's stupid based on recent industry experience, but that's a business gamble they have decided to play.

I care only about the loss of the Peach. It was fun to have that monikor.
p_w, i have no problem with it at all

what i am saying is that in the perception of those who run the football bowl process, and the advertisers that back those bowls, that the "Peach Bowl" has an established place in that system, and its not where CFA would like it to be, nor where the bowl officials themselves would like it to be

in recognition that ATL is a major and important city, one of few with a pro franchise in every major sport, excellent facilities, exceptional hospitality industry and hotel services, along with a bar/nightclub scene that can satisfy just about anyone, the bowl that is now called the Peach Bowl does not offer a matchup that represents the quality of the bowl, its payout, its ESPN contract, etc, etc

as nc pointed out, CFA is already a fairly national brand. i challenge you to name any item on CFAs menu that is not already sold at one of the other "natl" fast food chains

CFAs formula (and i happen to have some inside info on the subject) is not based on the item choices, and while they typically exceed the quality of their local competitors in any category, CFA has a very unique approach to marketing that would make your prediction of "collapse" seem ridiculous, but you can get the detailed info for yourself, suffice it to say that CFA sets out to establish itself in the local community and build strong ties and customer loyalty with excellent service, higher quality, and convenience. their technique is sometimes referred to as "upside down" marketing because of the absence of virtually any "top-down" branding through national advertising and instead building loyalty and brand up slowly by being the "best fast food restaurant in your local area". best food, best service, best community partner, etc

in any case, i am sure that CFA will be more ambitious than your doomed predictions. also, the bowl now known as the Peach bowl is not happy being a lower-tier bowl, and is happy to have a strong partner like CFA that is willing to pony up the cash for the payout and ESPN for broadcasting.

they want a higher national presence, and they are dropping a link that they think is holding them back.

you act as if i was criticizing you or your opinion, believe what you want, in 3-5 yrs the CFA Bowl will be a higher-tier bowl and you can sit on your peach and cry
Re: p_w, i have no problem with it at all

The name "Peach" has nothing to do with holding the bowl back. Chic Fil A just want to assure that anyone that wins that bowl puts a big "Chic Fil A" sign up in their stadium. It could be a BCS bowl with "Peach" in the name. Georgia wins it, a Chic-Fil-A sign goes up. Tech wins it, we put one up. Ditto Miami, LSU, Bama, Clemson etc....The name drop was just to get some signage in some stadiums.

I could be wrong, but I don't recall the Fiesta Bowl always being a BCS type bowl. The name "Fiesta" didn't have to be dropped when it became a top teir bowl.
their name is already on the sign

since it says "Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl"

to them, there is something about "peach" they dont like. for one, you would keep calling it the peach bowl instead of the chickfila bowl, so there is reason number one

but also, for years, the peach bowl has been an also-ran bowl

historically, the peach is actually older than the Fiesta. but the fiesta was the first bowl beside the rose to be not in the south. it grew very fast. it always sold out. and it get in with NBC and had one of the highest payouts in all of the bowl

Fiesta has a 1 v 2 matchup in '87, and then had a team participate that was 1 or 2 in the final poll for 4 straight years. they were part of the original bowl alliance and have not lost that status

the peach stayed the same

get it??