Just listened to Phil Steele...


Now with incredulous facial expression
Dec 8, 2007
His mag comes out in two weeks but it's available online right now, I believe.
Just heard him on Chattanooga station, so the talk was largely SEC-centric.
But ... he said Tennessee might be a 10-win team and sees Georgia winning 8-9, even with that schedule. Which leads me to think he doesn't think Tech is winning either of those games. Said all those injuries last year on defense for the Vols means they should bring back more experience than usual on that side.
I hope he is as wrong with that as he was with his Orange Bowl prediction two years ago.
He can suck a deek.

Tennessee might be a 10 win team. Might is a big word in that sentence. I say they are more likely a 6 win team than a 10 win team. Tennessee loses to us, @Florida, Georgia, @Alabama, @Missouri, and LSU. They will also lose at least one of the following USuCk, Kentucky, Vandy. Tennessee will struggle and be lucky to win 7 or 8.

UGAg will likely win their first 7 games if they get past @ND. We REALLY need ND to beat them. I think Florida, @Auburn, and @GT take them this season

@Miami and @Clemson are our scary games.
I'd trade schedules with UGA in a heartbeat
No shit. Miami and Clemson would both kick their ass.

The toughest three on their schedule Florida, GT, Tennessee. It is why Notre Dame has to beat them. I don't want to hear all that shit about their greatness as they sprint to 7-0 while our 7-0 is looked down upon, even though Miami is MUCH better than anyone they play
His mag comes out in two weeks but it's available online right now, I believe.
Just heard him on Chattanooga station, so the talk was largely SEC-centric.
But ... he said Tennessee might be a 10-win team and sees Georgia winning 8-9, even with that schedule. Which leads me to think he doesn't think Tech is winning either of those games. Said all those injuries last year on defense for the Vols means they should bring back more experience than usual on that side.
I hope he is as wrong with that as he was with his Orange Bowl prediction two years ago.

Why would anyone think he knows any more than you or I?

Are his past predictions online anywhere? Let's see how good he REALLY is.
He said that in this interview but he'll have another one tomorrow in Alabama saying Tennessee is lucky to go bowling and georgia goes 7-5 again. At the end of the season or for next year's mag he'll show the quote from which ever is correct. I've seen him do this shit for the past 10 years. He picks every team to go 0-12, 15-0 and everything in between so he can say he called it the next year
Good old Phil always says Oklahoma is going to be great along with USC West and notre dame. He is predictable and usually wrong but he makes a pretty good living off of folks who buy the same old crap year after year. Not much credibility for a man who has been doing this for as long as I can remember.

Go Jackets!
Seems like if we beat ut & ut still wins 10 games that would be a good thing for us.
The only reason to buy Phil Steele's rag is for the massive amounts of information, certainly not for his predictions.