Just Saw The News


Helluva Engineer
May 14, 2003
paper. The AJC states a lot about the big "upset", Tech's "surprise" win, etc..........was not an upset or a surprise. Just goes to show that they can't read a lick downtown at the paper office. If they had been able to read, they would have seen the Miami Herald's article by RM2 about GT wins over Miami 14-12. OK,OK,OK I know, it was 14-10, but some of RM2 hit it pretty danged close. Somebody teach that AJC bunch where to get the news from next time.
I've done said RM2 is better at prognosticating that Leonard, now he's beaten the "chicken scratcher" from Kentuck. RM2 will beat out the stock market bunch now, so when RM2 speaks, let's all listen.
How bout it RM2, what's the line on the GT/uoogah game?
paper. The AJC states a lot about the big "upset", Tech's "surprise" win, etc..........was not an upset or a surprise. Just goes to show that they can't read a lick downtown at the paper office. If they had been able to read, they would have seen the Miami Herald's article by RM2 about GT wins over Miami 14-12. OK,OK,OK I know, it was 14-10, but some of RM2 hit it pretty danged close. Somebody teach that AJC bunch where to get the news from next time.
I've done said RM2 is better at prognosticating that Leonard, now he's beaten the "chicken scratcher" from Kentuck. RM2 will beat out the stock market bunch now, so when RM2 speaks, let's all listen.
How bout it RM2, what's the line on the GT/uoogah game?

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Rome you puttign some big timen pressure on me, but HEY I can handle it!
I think it was last wednesday when i put down the prediction for UM. So I will have something posted before too long.

My initial thought........mmmmmmm..welllllll.......i'll let you know soon.