Karma, UT Style


► Ģŏ ʝąҁʞεɫʂ ◄
Oct 30, 2002
Vowels just got hail mary'd.

That's what the get for stealing one against us. Now we're due for one.
That was terrible hail mary D. I guess they stayed in their base D to avoid a big completion that would allow a FG try? There was only 9 seconds on the clock so I dont think UT had time for a 30-40 yd play.
Doesn't that give the offense a guaranteed play after the penalty is assessed?
Doesn't that give the offense a guaranteed play after the penalty is assessed?
Yeah, but that gives you more of a shot than giving up a walk-off TD does.

It's the better play, but it's hard to imagine having the presence of mind to do that given how unlikely that TD pass was, though.

Yes. But it's only a 15 yard penalty and all the time would be off the clock. People in Tennessee are dumb.
Doesn't that give the offense a guaranteed play after the penalty is assessed?
Yeah, but that gives you more of a shot than giving up a walk-off TD does.

It's the better play, but it's hard to imagine having the presence of mind to do that given how unlikely that TD pass was, though.


Yeah, it's risky too. Maybe you get the PI while the qb gets sacked. But if your going to play that D on a hail mary, you have to make sure you're never beat overtop.
I think there's three wins in there if you hold your mouth right.
Yeah, it's risky too. Maybe you get the PI while the qb gets sacked. But if your going to play that D on a hail mary, you have to make sure you're never beat overtop.
Did someone say over the top

uT was STUPID! the only way for them to lose was probably the way they did--pass to EZ .They did not go to EZ and protect.They had a WORTHLESS MLB standing in middle of field at end to stop what? the QB running for a 55 yd TD?
that doesn't even count not scoring a POINT earlier from the 1 yd line in 4 snaps. AND we LOST to these bozos!