Keith Marshall to GT for final year?

Article says he's going to the NFL, but all direct quotes I've seen definitely leave the door open for playing somewhere. I guess it probably depends on his draft stock. If I'm him and I'm projected as being undrafted, I would probably go use up my eligibility somewhere else and get started on a Master's Degree and see if I can improve my draft stock.
Article says he's going to the NFL, but all direct quotes I've seen definitely leave the door open for playing somewhere. I guess it probably depends on his draft stock. If I'm him and I'm projected as being undrafted, I would probably go use up my eligibility somewhere else and get started on a Master's Degree and see if I can improve my draft stock.

I think what you say you would do if you are him is what the article means: that he wants to go to another college where he can play enough to raise his stature at the next NFL draft. If that is the case, I doubt he'd come to Tech as the OP suggests, since here he'd be part of a RB committee.
I think what you say you would do if you are him is what the article means: that he wants to go to another college where he can play enough to raise his stature at the next NFL draft. If that is the case, I doubt he'd come to Tech as the OP suggests, since here he'd be part of a RB committee.

Yeah, I had the same thought. Wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to come to Tech unless he really, really just wanted to play a year with his brother. We're gonna be stacked with experience at A-back, so there's no guarantee he would even start (although I think he would).
I would back off a bit on the "we will be stacked at AB". We will have another year for each of our players, but I have yet to see one of them really break out.
Keith has great straight ahead speed and I hate to lose him--before his terrible injury two years ago he was looking like a breakout season in store. But I don't think he fits in the Johnson offense as well. Your best backs are all about quickness and good cutting. Gurley or Chubb would have been killers in Johnson's offense (part of me would have liked to have seen that, but I keep that part locked in the attic, handcuffed, and gagged). Marshall was banged up and didn't play against Auburn. Just one of those injury-prone guys, but he has a shot in the NFL.
I'd welcome that dwag if he wants to join the dark side and become a Tech man.
Keith has great straight ahead speed and I hate to lose him--before his terrible injury two years ago he was looking like a breakout season in store. But I don't think he fits in the Johnson offense as well. Your best backs are all about quickness and good cutting. Gurley or Chubb would have been killers in Johnson's offense (part of me would have liked to have seen that, but I keep that part locked in the attic, handcuffed, and gagged). Marshall was banged up and didn't play against Auburn. Just one of those injury-prone guys, but he has a shot in the NFL.

With every reasonable post you make... sigh I don't want to finish that sentence. I need a shower now that I feel dirty. :furious:

Kid has looked good when healthy.
We wouldn't otherwise give the kids a sniff in my opinion, but with his brother here, well that's different. GT is a family, and he is a brother. That changes everything.
We wouldn't otherwise give the kids a sniff in my opinion, but with his brother here, well that's different. GT is a family, and he is a brother. That changes everything.

Wrong. We would def jump at a chance to take an "older" player to play B-back for us next year. Since basically all RBs will be sophomores at best.
How funny would it be to get him and have Green and KM both starting at A-Back
I'd welcome that dwag if he wants to join the dark side and become a Tech man.

Especially if he were to admit that his UGAg degree was sub par and he needed to go to GT to enhance his employment opportunities after school.