L_B question about RHouston


Dec 15, 2001
There is a thread about RH on the hive. In it I posted that even tho he may not have distributed the stuff since he was involved and knew of the alleged transaction, he would be guilty of knowledge (accessory) before and after the fact. What does the average law (IE Ga, NC) say about that?
I actually JUST GOT admitted to the Federal Bar (up to now I had purposefully avoided this but I was turning away TOO MUCH business).

It is a federal case, so actually the law is same in every state. I skimmed the post on the hive and my first question would be "what was said on the wire?"

If I had to SPECULATE I think there is possibly damaging info on tape. If RH's lawyer said that was not the case then it looks better for RH.

I think he is charged w/ conspiracy and the BASIC LAW on that is

an overt act toward the commission of a crime with other persons

I BELIEVE (under Federal law) once you PARTICIPATE you are on the hood unless you prevent (or at least take steps to prevent)

If person x comes up and says hey I need to sell some dope can you help me and you get in the car and 10mins later you get out of the car the issue IMO will be what was said.

Did he give a name? and/or address?

I imagine the transcripts of the tapes will make it out eventually and they will paint a clearer picture.

I can tell you that the Feds being involved demonstrates that it is a BIG case.