Lack of replays in stadium


Jun 2, 2009
In the past our replays have been on point. Almost all plays covered. Today I can count the total number of first half replays on one hand. Shit like this incentivises people to stay home on their couch, like we don't have enough of that already. We should write lots of angry emails to the AA to fix this.
Camera angles that use during the replays, if they're even shown, are awful as well. The replay issue should be high on Standbury's 'things to fix' list since it ruins the fans in stadium experience.
Camera angles that use during the replays, if they're even shown, are awful as well. The replay issue should be high on Standbury's 'things to fix' list since it ruins the fans in stadium experience.

I don't know why it should be different now than it was in the past. I wonder if someone retired and the new guy sucks.
I don't know why it should be different now than it was in the past. I wonder if someone retired and the new guy sucks.
You are completely correct. The video board was 90% dumb ads and 10% replays. Not sure what happened, but somebody needs a talking to.
I've never understood the lack of consistency from week to week or year to year in stadium production. Seems like we have to figure it out anew every season. I usually mention this when I get surveys.

Seemed like less intrusive ads and contests today. No Chevron cars or cap shuffle or Dominos pizza race.

Completely agree on missing replays. No excuse really.
Anyone else catch the stadium announcer calling us Georgia State when a first down was made?
I heard the Ga State first down, then as GSU police walked into the section next to us.
Replays on only like 20% of plays. It was like the camera and replay crew were ready just in case we went no huddle.