Last night's PJ Radio Show


Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 6, 2007
I missed it and wanted to know if anyone out there has it downloaded to where I can listen to it? Or even just a transcript would work.
I missed it and wanted to know if anyone out there has it downloaded to where I can listen to it? Or even just a transcript would work.

I've been listening to them each week via's "All Access" offerings. However, they've changed the format this week and I haven't been able to find Wednesday's show on there in the archives. Anybody else find it?
You can download the mp3 in Itunes for free. Open up the Itunes store, and in the search bar, type "Georgia Tech Athletics Podcast." I download all the press conferences, call-in-shows, highlight videos, etc. from there. The call-in-show is usually up about lunchtime on Thursdays.
Thanks for the link. Interesting when Coach Johnson said something like (paraphrasing) "I think we're really close to a big day on offense. Who knows, maybe it will happen this weekend." I feel like Coach wouldn't say this unless he thought there was a good chance of a beeeg day.
The lord is no match for my work's secuuuuurrrre network.

what about ninja?
If you actually open Itunes and search for "Georgia Tech Athletics Podcast", I think you can listen to each individual item without downloading it.