Logan Walls


Aug 15, 2005
people seem to be buzzing about this guy on the other board. someone put 2+2 together about an impending commitment(without being a member) but this is one i haven't really worried about. i mean c'mon look at his hat on the scout page. HE'S WEARING A JACKETS HAT!!!
Buzz, I\'ve been thinking just like you, but

just never know. I live up here in Gainesville GA. Know some people who know Walls as well as Claytor.

Anything can happen, but I feel good about Walls especially after today. It was kind of like we were solid with him, then we weren't, and now we seem solid again. Now Claytor seems to have more in his mix, but I like our chances there as well!

This is the most fun I can remember recruiting being in the summer honestly. I'm having a blast!! Of course it's like winning a game. Nothing beats it! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpup.gif
Someone over at The Hive is reporting......

Logan Walls committed today. We'll see if it indeed happened. Wouldn't be surprised one bit.
