Longing for 1994 after 5 straight losses

The Jacket

The Coat
Jun 17, 2002
I've been trying to get this message out all season to anyone who would listen and now, perhaps, after five consecutive losses you people are ready to see reason.

I warned you after the second game that it would be the last time victory was tasted and only now, after another savage beating by a superior coach and team, will some of you be able to grasp the truth. And the truth is that this is a bad team the likes of which have not been seen in 20 years.

The 1994 campaign would be a welcome relief at this stage, and mark my words, they'll even be wishing it was 1993 again when this is all said and done. Honestly, 1994 gets kind of a bad rap. The Boilermakers started that season 4-1-1 and had a really tough slate down the stretch, otherwise they really should have been a bowl team.

But 1993 is every bit as bad as we all remember it and I'm telling you that Purdue will be wishing they could go back to the comforts of that year by the time this season is over. At least in 1993 their only win came against a decent Western Michigan squad, whereas this year there is no comfort that should be taken in winning against an Indiana State squad that is highly overrated at #21 in FCS.

You can get excited over their close game with Michigan State if you like but even aside from the fact that a loss is a loss, did you happen to notice that beating Purdue by less than 50 points dropped the Spartans in the rankings? MSU will spend the next couple of seasons trying to rebuild from having a close game with a team as bad as these Boilermakers.

And it's only about to get worse. Nebraska, Illinois, at Northwestern, at Iowa and then Indiana. Look at those games and tell me which of them Purdue stands a chance at keeping it respectable even when they're playing against practice squad players before halftime?

You need to get your heads out of your asses. To say that Purdue is going down in flames is to make the mistake of implying that there is anything on that team good enough to be flammable. They're not capable of being spectacularly bad, they simply don't have the coaching for it. Bad is bad and these guys are bad at being bad.

They need to cut their losses and they need to do it now before someone else gets hurt. This season has cost six players their lives already and God only knows how bad the slaughter will be when a 3-4 Nebraska gets ahold of these kids. At this point we know the coaches and administration in West Lafayette aren't going to intervene, they're bad at their jobs and they just don't have it in them. The government in Indiana has got to step in and put a stop to this before the body count grows any more.

Thoughts and prayers are not with the folks in Purdue, God can't save them now.


Oh good, now we hear from the crowd who thought Purdue could win two games this year. Tell me, where do you see your precious second win coming now?

It's Pur don't

Nail on the head, fantastic post. Just as I remember the folks who were posting left and right about how Purdue would get to 2 - or even 3 :lol: - wins this year, I remember that you tried to be a voice of reason as well. I remember your thread way back in June, trying to warn folks that the lack of depth at the LT position and Hazell's inability to get even a mediocre longsnapper on scholarship this year had spelled doom for any hopes of Purdue competing with an FBS opponent.

If only they had listened.