It's humorous to see the willing acceptance of losses as long as "well our qb made great strides", "in spite of losing 10 players we played decent", "our playbook is limited because we have a freshman qb." The object of the game is to win guys.. not coddle a freshman with the hopes that one day he will be your messiah. If your freshman isn't getting it done, you need to rotate in someone else. Not stick with him until the final secs tick off and chalk it up as a moral victory. We lost to BYU. When is that going to sink in? I keep seeing excuses of "he has only been on campus 4 weeks" so we can't run the plays that give us the best chance to win. Ball is going to be a great one, there is no doubt. But how bout we help him out a bit. Rotate qbs just a bit. Give your team a chance to win. I am sure it makes things easier on Chan if his playbook only has 6 plays to choose from, but its not really gonna get the job done against Auburn and could lead to backfield injuries since it was obvious in the BYU game where the ball was going. You polyannas can flame me if you want, but the object of the game is to win today, not next year. And if Chan isn't making the necessary in-game adjustments to accomplish this, he is ripping his team off. A loss is never acceptable. No matter what comes out of it. Wake up.