Macon Alum Meeting


Jul 11, 2002
Those of you who could not or chose not to attend tonights gathering missed a hell of a good time!Alicja and John Griffin, both class of '89, hasted us at their lovely home and Finchers did a good job with the bbq;best job of all was done by whomever cooked the brownies!

Gary Lanier led off w/ a recap of how all of the teams were doing, when coach joseph gets the ladies bb team in contention we are going to have an awesome program!

Coach Gailey led off by saying if there's anything to reincarnation he wants to come back as the GT golf coach, that has to be the best job in the world!

CCG feels like the past year has had many more positives than negatives, likes where we are headed.Has met w/ the faculty twice in last two wks, trying to build rapport/trust. Wants to recruit kids who can win the ACC, beat GA, and get their degree, thats why they workout off season and run sprints in 100 degree heat!

Wants to build desire to play at our level every week, play Vandy, Duke,Wake at same level we play FSU, NCSU. He related an anecdote from Ken Hatfield,w/ whom he coached at Air Force, about Bobby Knight, about the winning edge Knight used to win the NC w/ a 31-0 team at Indiana, extrapolated for football it boils down to dominating the first five minutes and the last two minutes of a half. Weve got to come out strong and finish strong. Rix' speed allowed FSU to beat us, not his passing, weve got to recruit speed and will do so.

To succesfully recruit weve got to have great facilities which lend the perception of a great program to a recruit, otherwise we go the way of Vandy, one project is an indoor practice facility, when we cant get the GA dome using the Falcons facility takes up too much time which could be used for meetings/practice.

Academically were getting there, great strides made from ten kids flunking out to thirty-three on deans list. This last recruiting class had average 1100 SAT.

Need more depth everywhere, had Dorsey not left early we would be in much better shape, Wilkinson going back to lb, Parker to de w/ Henderson, K. Michael Hall, Nick Moore, Guyton , Chambers all looking to be great !

Brezina to shift from dl to ol, due to toe surgery will be out of spring practice. No major changes need to find way to get Landry and Reis on field more, too light for lb, maybe use more nickel pkgs, Bilbo will still be a receiver, Carter will be backup qb, could beat RB out if he could work out some issues(email me for details), Bennett could/might step up and surprise all!!

E. Anyaibe from TX can fly for a big man, J. Johnson from FL also may get pt. Obviously will miss J. Smith as a return man, Clark to be relacement, Carter could be best receiver on team if he wanted to be.

Here is something near and dear to the hearts of all, how does academics affect recruiting? CCG feels we can recruit only 20-25% of kids recruited by 'football factory schools', his numbers are 3.5 gpa, 950 sat, his nos, not the hills, feels otherwise we and kid struggle for two yrs to keep him eligible, kid gets frustrated for whatever reason, goes somewhere else to play, feels our success lies with heavy concentration of jrs/srs who are scholar/athletes, CCG is mad if we let a potential Academic All American get away to Stanford/Colgate. Very strong that he wants kids with character-class-academics.

Question about multi-star recruits, UNCs '98 recruiting class was tops nationally, look at them now!Related the 'Harvard during the wk, FSU on Sat'comment, CCG wants to be both all wk long! Feels there are enough scholar athletes in America to make this feasible.

Question about RB, feels worst thing that could have happened to RB was to be carried off field on shoulders of student body after second game, feels RB needs to learn to be hungry, fight to next level, needs to hunger to be better.

CCG does not want a kid who doesnt want to play in the NFL, but wants a kid who knows he has a place in society if he doesnt make it to the NFL or only plays a couple of years there, due to a GT degree.

Now, heres the bad news, Greg Gathers is on list for a kidney transplant, need to keep him in our prayers, on schedule to finish degree, still has locker , great inspiration to other kids and potential recruits.

Guys this is obviously not verbatim,but I feel it is a reasonably true and accurate recap of events, email me if you have ?s or if anything needs clarification.

Excellent job and just reading this little unexpected surprise was the high point of my day!

Look for an e-mail from me!

Thanks again!!
