Macon Telegraph's Brian Murphy is gone


Varsity Lurker
Aug 1, 2005
Macon Telegraph\'s Brian Murphy is gone

Message on the website said he has left for Boise, Idaho to work for another paper.

This explains a little bit for me...was home to visit my parents over Thanksgiving and was able to read the Macon Telegraph print edition following the UGA game...In two (or three, can't remember)articles Murphy mentioned no less than five times that the GT seniors (or Gailey) had never beat the dawgs. He also asked Ball if the loss hurt worse than the others, to which Ball replied with colorful language. Instead of editing the response, Murphy chose to include the language.

Although I would agrue that Murphy's coverage of Tech was pretty good - compared to his peers he was probably the best - but I thought the articles after the UGA game showed his true colors (even mentioned this to my friend and wife after reading them that Sunday). Now knowing that he is gone, he was probably getting in some parting punches on his way out - makes more sense now.

Overall I think Murphy was good for Tech coverage - IMHO he wasn't at Joseph Person's level (his predecessor), but still better than what the AJC offered (my return parting shot at Murphy).

From the MaconTel (

Georgia Tech beat writer Brian Murphy left The Telegraph recently to become a columnist with Idaho Statesman in Boise, Idaho. Filling in for him temporarily is Telegraph columnist Michael A. Lough. Lough has been with the Telegraph since August 1998, having previously worked at the Morgantown (W.Va.) Dominion Post, Alexandria (La.) Town Talk, and Monroe (La.) News-Star-World. He is a native of York, Pa., and attended the University of South Carolina.