For a long time we’ve bickered over Chan. I’d be foolish to think it will stop until we beat the mutts or have a 8+ win season. That being said, Chan Gailey is going to be our head football coach for several years now. The decision has been made. Discussions about right and wrong are now literally moot points. Personally, this is the last I have to say on the matter. For all intents, purposes, and otherwise, I’m nothing but excited about Chan being on the flats. I’m proud of our coach and hope he puts together two wins to close out the regular season.
At this point we should be asking, if we love Georgia Tech, what is the proper course of action? For those of us unsatisfied with 6-5 seasons, we still need to stand up and cheer loud for the team. It is time to put questions behind us, as they have been resolved, and enjoy the next few years. For those accusing people who did not want Chan around much longer of having bad intentions, you need to stop gloating and recognize that such things are just matters of opinion, not unrelated to but not effecting a person’s appreciation for our fine Institute. Everyone needs to let any differences of opinions pass. I’m sure everyone feels justified in their positions, but the truth is, when the mutts come to town, followed by Notre Lame next season, we need to BEE there for the jackets regardless of these things. We need to be supporting Tech in every sport and especially FB as we try to climb from a large middle pack in the ACC that seems to include even F$U these days. Our past opinions, right or wrong, are irrelevant today and at least for a few more seasons. They should not be brought up and rehashed as they will only aggravate old message board and tailgating injuries. Like it or not, the decision is made, and Chan is the Man.
When Chan finishes his time at GT---I hope potential successors will see a fan base that is committed to GT---in addition to the fact that GT will give a coach any reasonable opportunity to succeed in a demanding academic environment. The best thing we can do is support GT. I hope people will add to this list things we can do, without jeopardizing the order of our lives, or taking pot shots at any side of the old debate to support GT:
Buy season tickets.
Get over it and wear gold even if you like Navy. Gold is the color now.
Encourage friends to buy season tickets.
Encourage your company to buy chair back seats.
Tailgate before every game.
Talk to smart kids in your community about the advantages of a GT education.
Donate to AT or the GT foundation.
I say the last one very seriously. Some people may want to pack it up when they are unhappy with a decision. If you want your voice heard, that’s the wrong route to take.
1) If you feel compelled to complain about the contract extension, don’t do so unless you are willing to put it in writing, and increase your contribution to AT or GT. Why? I promise you---when you make the point that your commitment to GT has not decreased but increased---you are going to get a much better response. You will no longer be the $100 donor that b$#@# and moans all the time. You’ll be the $150 donor that disagrees, but cares about GT. You’ll get a lot more attention. For those of you who give more, I wish I wasn’t in grad school and was in your shoes.
2) If you feel you can’t give to the athletic association, find a worthy cause at GT and send your letter. The effect will be much better than packing it up. There are a lot of great causes on campus where your money will be used effectively. Financial aid for students, scholarship, leadership initiatives, and etc. are all great places to give. The development office and alumni association can help you find the right place for your gift if you don’t want it to be construed as supporting a decision you don’t like.
3) If you’ve never given to GT in any capacity, I highly encourage you to do it today. It helps with the USNews rankings and will be essential to helping GT rise from the middle of the pack in FB in the ACC. Plus, it helps you get better seats! Not to mention that it will help us become the premeire technological school in the world.
My closing statement is, Coach Braine rarely gets a decision wrong. If he says Chan is the man, then I’m with him all the way. If I have offended in any way I apologize, my sole intent, is encouraging further support of Georgia Tech and since we have the same purpose, I hope you will forgive any errors or wrongful statements. Unfortunately this will be my last post for a while, as I have much studying to do.
Go jackets and to hell with Georgia!
At this point we should be asking, if we love Georgia Tech, what is the proper course of action? For those of us unsatisfied with 6-5 seasons, we still need to stand up and cheer loud for the team. It is time to put questions behind us, as they have been resolved, and enjoy the next few years. For those accusing people who did not want Chan around much longer of having bad intentions, you need to stop gloating and recognize that such things are just matters of opinion, not unrelated to but not effecting a person’s appreciation for our fine Institute. Everyone needs to let any differences of opinions pass. I’m sure everyone feels justified in their positions, but the truth is, when the mutts come to town, followed by Notre Lame next season, we need to BEE there for the jackets regardless of these things. We need to be supporting Tech in every sport and especially FB as we try to climb from a large middle pack in the ACC that seems to include even F$U these days. Our past opinions, right or wrong, are irrelevant today and at least for a few more seasons. They should not be brought up and rehashed as they will only aggravate old message board and tailgating injuries. Like it or not, the decision is made, and Chan is the Man.
When Chan finishes his time at GT---I hope potential successors will see a fan base that is committed to GT---in addition to the fact that GT will give a coach any reasonable opportunity to succeed in a demanding academic environment. The best thing we can do is support GT. I hope people will add to this list things we can do, without jeopardizing the order of our lives, or taking pot shots at any side of the old debate to support GT:
Buy season tickets.
Get over it and wear gold even if you like Navy. Gold is the color now.
Encourage friends to buy season tickets.
Encourage your company to buy chair back seats.
Tailgate before every game.
Talk to smart kids in your community about the advantages of a GT education.
Donate to AT or the GT foundation.
I say the last one very seriously. Some people may want to pack it up when they are unhappy with a decision. If you want your voice heard, that’s the wrong route to take.
1) If you feel compelled to complain about the contract extension, don’t do so unless you are willing to put it in writing, and increase your contribution to AT or GT. Why? I promise you---when you make the point that your commitment to GT has not decreased but increased---you are going to get a much better response. You will no longer be the $100 donor that b$#@# and moans all the time. You’ll be the $150 donor that disagrees, but cares about GT. You’ll get a lot more attention. For those of you who give more, I wish I wasn’t in grad school and was in your shoes.
2) If you feel you can’t give to the athletic association, find a worthy cause at GT and send your letter. The effect will be much better than packing it up. There are a lot of great causes on campus where your money will be used effectively. Financial aid for students, scholarship, leadership initiatives, and etc. are all great places to give. The development office and alumni association can help you find the right place for your gift if you don’t want it to be construed as supporting a decision you don’t like.
3) If you’ve never given to GT in any capacity, I highly encourage you to do it today. It helps with the USNews rankings and will be essential to helping GT rise from the middle of the pack in FB in the ACC. Plus, it helps you get better seats! Not to mention that it will help us become the premeire technological school in the world.
My closing statement is, Coach Braine rarely gets a decision wrong. If he says Chan is the man, then I’m with him all the way. If I have offended in any way I apologize, my sole intent, is encouraging further support of Georgia Tech and since we have the same purpose, I hope you will forgive any errors or wrongful statements. Unfortunately this will be my last post for a while, as I have much studying to do.
Go jackets and to hell with Georgia!