magic number...



what do you think is Gailey's magic number of wins this season to keep his job?
Don't know if there is a magic number. If he doesn't make it, I think it will be a sad day for Tech football. He seems to be a man of honesty and integrity. That's rare nowdays, not only in football, but in everyday life. I really believe he is working hard to correct and improve all aspects of Tech football.
I don't disagree that he may be working hard, but fact is he may not be the man for the job. If he is and succeeds this year, great, but integrity doesn't win and losing will not be tolerated. So what if he is working hard...if that doesn't translate to wins, he should be gone. Being coach at GT with that huge salary is a privalege...not a charity case for someone just because someone thinks he's a nice guy.

There is a certain number of wins out there that will appease the fan base and keep him on, and likewise, a certain number of losses that will have the torch bearers after him.

Yes, I have my torch ready, and I'll be VERY glad to chunk that thing into the Chattahoochee this season with a good showing.

If not, trust me, there will be a horde of fans wanting a change THIS YEAR if we have a down year.

Magic number is 7. Six if we have a moral victory thrown into the mix.
Magic number is 6. .500 will buy him another season. He needs to win 8 to get people off his back.
There is no 'magic number.' A man like Chan Gailey will be afforded the opportunity to build a prog here whether you like it or not. That takes a commitment. 3-4 years, win, lose or draw. Start thinking positive.
As a frequent lurker and non-poster,I will add my $.02 to the Chan threads: Chan may or may not be a great individual,may or may not be a great football coach but if you live out of state as I do,all you have to judge him on is the product you see on the field because you almost never read about him or get comments from him in the media.Obviuosly, the best case scenario is for him to be successful or we will be faced with another rebuilding cycle where the next coach brings in "his players" to run his system.So,for that simple,selfish reason alone I want for him to be succesful.

Having said that,Last year's season was somewhat reminisent of some of the B*** L**** years and compounding that frustration was the fact that the silence from CCG was deafening. Call me an idiot, but what I want is to hear the coach recognize the shortcomings within the program and address his plans/strategies to correct them. If he does that then, as far as I am concerned,the coach builds up a little good-will and earns the time needed to implement his or her plan.Call it marketing,PR,schmoozing, whatever I think that ciommunication to the alumni/fan base is an essential part of any (high-paid) coaches job.{FWIW,pay someone $30K a year to coach the women's dogsled team and I am fine if they ignore this aspect of the job and focus solely on coaching and recruiting}.Do this, avoid cheating,cavorting with strippers and hookers (or at least getting caught doing same) win 7-8 games a year, and compete EVERY game , and a coach is set for life at Tech (reference Bill Curry).

That to me is what makes Tech an attractive job.Outside of the academic "handicap", a coach can earn serious cabbage while under less pressure to win at a large public State university.

In conclusion, I am sort of neutral on the whole Chan issue but would like to see him make more of an effort to connect with the fan base.This would buy him the time needed for him to prove or disprove his true coaching abilities.
It really depends on how the team looks on the field. Most people expect GT to win 3 to 5 games, so if they win 4 and play hard and tough in most games, he will get another shot. The bar is very low.
the bar is set very low? how sad.

If we are to think positive, then raise that dern bar! Why set low expectations low so to not be disappointed? woohoo!!! we won 5 games this year...two more than we thought!!! YES!

Nah, I'd rather set the bar high. Competition in our league is about to reach a whole other level...big time. We are at fork in the road.

Gailey, until he proves me wrong, isn't the right man to raise the bar. He may be and he'll get this year to prove it, BUT a bad season and watch out. The GT fans in general will be up in arms. Berate this post if you will, but that is the truth.
I don't think it will be a magic number of wins or losses but more so how the team plays. If the Tech team plays hard and the team looks organized
and disciplined and plays with some fire I think
the fans will be willing to give Chan a chance. Of course if we win only two or three games I think the wolves will be howling loud and long.
What I believe will turn the fans against CG quickly is if we come back in poor condition and get pushed around and the team is as undisciplined as they were a year ago. Chan doesn't have the cushion of tolerance that he had
when he arrived because of so many frustrations
the fans have endured in his first year.

It is awfully painful to leave Sanford Stadium amid all the catcalls and derision directed toward
the Tech faithful that we had to suffer a year ago. Never again should we give any coach a pass
that had us so ill prepared to play with such an
unimaginative game plan. Seriously this is one season that I dread to see begin because I fear it could be a precurser to a major over haul. I
certainly hope not because Chan is such a fine man
that has had less than optimum support from his superiors.
Based on the way the season ended last year and the off season problems, I would say it is in Chan's best interest to NOT start this season
You know, I think if I was Chan and had a 9 or 10 win season, I would resign and go somewhere that integrity and honesty counted for something. Obviously some of our fan base wants to behave like an SEC team and bend rules and cheat since a little since honesty, integrity and hard work are not the answer. I know that it counts paramount in the people that I associate myself with. Maybe I run in a different circle though. Chan is a fine football coach and given the opportunity can build us into a fine program. Run him off because of a 6 win season and I imagine that the only coaches that would be coming here are ones that would look at us as a stepping stone to other programs. A revolving door can be installed on the head coaches office, I suppose.
Originally posted by JJacket:
Don't know if there is a magic number. If he doesn't make it, I think it will be a sad day for Tech football. He seems to be a man of honesty and integrity. That's rare nowdays, not only in football, but in everyday life. I really believe he is working hard to correct and improve all aspects of Tech football.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I could care less if the head coach was a combination of Bear Bryant and Steve Spurriur! The product on the field is what counts! "Nice Guys Finish Last" is a classic remark made by Leo Durocher to describe the Chan Gailey type manager or coach. Lets face it, most coaches have integrity and honesty. These attributes will not place a 'W' in the win column. It takes more than honesty, more than integrity! It takes someone who can COACH! We need to remember that. Hoping Coach Gailey can succeed is admirable but it should be realized by all concern that it is his strategy, his play calling, his personell decisions, his coaching hires, his COACHING that will determine his future at Tech.
Do you smell that? *sniff**sniff*
Smells like a Dead Horse Award to me

JJacket - I do not know of any true Tech fan that approves of or condones "bending the rules".I reread my post above and can see maybe that it was perhaps misconstrued - the phrase "avoid getting caught" was in reference to the strippers and hookers and was certainly TIC.If it came across in the wrong way,I apologize.I'm usually not defensive but I wondered if your post was perhaps a result of misinterpreting mine above since in all my years of reading the various Tech boards I have NEVER felt like any poster (whether a "basher" or "rose colored glasses"-type) has ever insinuated that Tech cross that line.

In fact, that has me rethinking how easy the Tech job really is - we expect results,100% compliance with the rulebook,our SA's to be role models,etc - as George O said in what I took to be a complement- "Tech fans want to be Harvard Monday through Friday and FSU on Saturdays.
CG does have honesty and integrity but that doesn't put Ws on the board. If it did, Tech would probably win the National Championship! I don't think we're gonna see a lot of wins this year but are we seeing good enough recruiting classes to compete in a soon-to-be very tuff ACC? That's my concern. Is he the right man for the job? Who knows? I guess that's something we'll just have to wait and see. I will, however, support him as long as he is hear at GT.

So finishing 7-5 (71%) his FIRST year as head coach is our first indication that he can't coach? Dorocher was a sub .250 batter that never ONCE as a manager won 71% (a little over 50%, in fact)of his games so quotes from him ain't worth squat to me. I never said that it takes ONLY honesty and integrity to coach a football team. You must also be a good COACH. Chan Gaily has 30 years of experience being a coach on the college and pro level so , unless all his former employers were wrong, he must know his football. His former players and coaches respect him and lauded his selection as our head coach.
First your math is skewed. It is a 58% and not a 71% winning percentage. Second, Durocher could not hit his weight but was the shortstop on the St.Louis Cardinals '34 Gashouse Gang World Champs and as a manager won pennants in '41 with the Brooklyn Dodgers and '51 and '54 with the New York Giants. Made the Hall of Fame as a manager. Not exactly squat.
Originally posted by statelinejacket:
First your math is skewed. It is a 58% and not a 71% winning percentage. Second, Durocher could not hit his weight but was the shortstop on the St.Louis Cardinals '34 Gashouse Gang World Champs and as a manager won pennants in '41 with the Brooklyn Dodgers and '51 and '54 with the New York Giants. Made the Hall of Fame as a manager. Not exactly squat.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Thanks for the math correction. I saw it when I posted and hoped it would slip by. Budweiser and keyboards don't mix. Durocher was mediocre as a player AND manager. I know it is off topic, but I always have a sour spot anytime a New York/Chicago sports person is held as some kind of coaching/player genius. That feeling dates back to the Tommy Nobis days with me, but that is a different story.
my original point stands. Why is Chan getting drawn and quartered daily in this board? I try to come here for some positive news about Tech football, but the board seems to have turned into a "fire Chan" board. Does anyone here believe that this negativity doesn't reach our players and recruits? Would you go play somewhere where the coach was in jeopardy from alumni after a fairly decent first season if you were a prized recruit?
JJacket, are you not aware that the membership of StinGTallk is made up of:

a) NCAA Div IA head coaches
b) NCAA Div IA athletic directors
c) Swamis
d) Psychiatrists
e) Barbra Streisand

When one of us analyzes Chan Gailey (what a laugh! Former head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, what does HE know about football!), compares him to Bill Lewis, or demonstrates in our posts our superior understanding of football, life, human beings, the concept of winning, staff management, and play-calling...well, son, you can take it to the Savings and Loan.