Make GT great again

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A Real Munson
Aug 19, 2010
Fire PJ, it's time. We suck, Navy would beat our dicks in. öööö you. öööö PJ, öööö the team. We suck, the defense sucks. Make GT great again, don't let them rig this season.
Edited: still ban me
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Indeed. You should not be allowed to post here. Every.
Not everyone can vomit their opinion on the board all day like you and a handful of others. GT sucks. 4/5 years we have been awful. Spin how you want.
No, PJ is a great coach. Can you really fault him for hiring Roof? On paper it's a great hire: long resume, success at Penn State, GT ties. Let's see how he handles our defensive disaster after this season. I think he's got the balls to fire Roof if that's the best move

If we had some semblance of defense we'd probably only have two losses right now: Clemson and UNC
God damn are you people stupid. Is Roof expected to work miracles with the scrubs and young uns he has available to him? Are you all incapable of understanding how important it is to have 4th and 5th year guys on the field?

I've already explained several times how we are undermanned. I really don't know why I waste my breath any more.

2 years. 2018 season. I won't change my tune before then and neither will CPJ.
No, PJ is a great coach. Can you really fault him for hiring Roof? On paper it's a great hire: long resume, success at Penn State, GT ties. Let's see how he handles our defensive disaster after this season. I think he's got the balls to fire Roof if that's the best move

If we had some semblance of defense we'd probably only have two losses right now: Clemson and UNC
Lol like Groh huh? Feed me all the stats you want, but our DEF has been trash since PJ has been here. And out talent has gotten worse
Roof may or may not be the problem. CPJ clearly is. I don't know how you could look at our stats and come to any other conclusion other than PJ can't recruit defensive talent. Be it our offense, academics or coordinator, we can't field a DEF. that's the point. Don't avoid it by arguing something else
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