Many of y'all need to lighten up on AJ....


Jul 8, 2002
Many of y\'all need to lighten up on AJ....

Yes, he threw 3 ints, and overthrew some receivers, and didn't throw to the open man a coupla times....BUT let's give credit where credit is due - He was playing behind a patched up line of 2nd and 3rd stringers with a vicious defense: how often did he not see the open man, or overthrow the receiver because he had to get rid of the ball in a hurry? How many times was a receiver NOT where he was supposed to be? A LOT - the Seminoles are excellent at disrupting pass routes.

The last int, I had the rare opportunity to see what AJ sees: my seats are 3rd row lower east - I was litterly looking over his shoulder. The receiver was there and I thought the game won!(ok, OT which I hate) but that damn crimnole came outta nowhere.

AJ ain't no bad QB. He threw 50% completions which ain't bad. Yes, 3 picks are bad, but I doubt he deserves ALL the blame for those.
Re: Many of y\'all need to lighten up on AJ....

He cost us the game, more so than anyone else. It wasn't the first time, and it probably won't be the last. No need to sugar coat it.
Re: Many of y\'all need to lighten up on AJ....

I agree nobody should bash A.J. but let's not overhype this FSU defense. They are a poor pass defense and an average defense overall. Our offense just didn't make big enough big plays for GT.
Re: Many of y\'all need to lighten up on AJ....

GEETEELEE, thanks for your good comments. My see on AJ (AT THIS TimE) is tht he is just an average or slightly less than average performer. He has improved, but not enough to perform under pressure as he should. I like him best from the Gun. He (in my opinion) is too slow to take the snap from center and get back, get his vision focused, and see the field. My question is, "How long is the jury (Saff) going to stay out to make or verdict, or have they already made one? If they have then I'm afraid to get up too much hope for the future. Sincerely hope I am wrong...speed is a huge factor, and he just doesn't seem to have speed capacity afoot, or mentally. College football is so much quicker today and as I said earlier, "There are two kinds of quarterbacks, THE QUICK and THE DEAD". If yu are ot quick, then it is "grave city", smothered under the pile.
I forget the Nursery Rhyme but it went somethig lik this. It spoke of a little girl and said: "When she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad she was horrid". That is how I view AJ right now. I love him, but the truth is, something is lacking. A 50% completion rate is no longer good enough and especially when there are so many interception.
Re: Many of y\'all need to lighten up on AJ....

Techsamillion, great post. I appreciate everyone's opinion but agree with your thoughts. I sometimes disagree with 83 but I value his opinion which is why I use this board.

You have realized an over-riding factor which was first brought to light by Bradley about "rabid" fans. At halftime I saw and interview with the father and brother of Terrance Edwards. After big contributions to winning several games, he dropped one pass. When he returned to Athens there were terrible messages on his answering machine and e-mail. There were signs around campus with his name crossed out. His father said after that there was a huge outpouring of support for the young man. He also said it tore him up to see his son disrespected that way. The little brother said he would probably still consider ugag.

The point is we have a QB problem but it is a game. I am as rabid a fan as they come and I hate losing. But that game was 60 minutes out of AJs life and will not define his character or success for the rest of his life.

He doesn't go out and purposely attempt to embarrass Tech and piss off the fans. CG does not wake up and decide "How can I blow this million dollar gig."

So Bradley's article, the Edwards' incident, and now your apology really puts things in perspective for me and I appreciate it. I will still be a demanding fan, critical of the coaches but less so of student athletes that are playing a game to get through college.

Kelly Rhino will probably not be in the NFL. No one would question his heart or desire to win. I would argue that AJ and all the rest do THEIR best to make us proud and sometimes you come up a little short.

And that's my 2 cents. Sorry for the duplicate post but this was a more appropriate thread.
Re: Many of y\'all need to lighten up on AJ....

Pointing out that AJ has choked under pressure in 3 of our 4 loses is not bashing AJ. It's the truth. AJ is a good qb, but that's it. On a scale of 1 to 10, about a 6.