Meltdown: Week 6


Big Dummy
Aug 26, 2008
Time again for weekly schadenfreude.

Not quite as good this week but there were a few gems in there.

I'm first drive Michigan and I have DirecTV
I'm the rest of the game Michigan and I can't understand cave paintings
Honestly Michigan fans have just been so battered in the past decade we have a weird combination of a huge ego and a hair trigger for despair
Jim, it's wet,the players are dropping balls like crazy, and any catches are by the defense, do you want run it?
"Pass it, they'll never see it coming."

Oklahoma enters the pit of misery dilly dilly
I'll shove a corn cob up my ass if we lose this
(this is my fetish so win win)
Edit: shucked of course, need that ripple effect. hi mom
Edit 2: oh öööö
Edit 3: oooooohhhh actual öööö
edit 4: he ööööing got it, what a catch RIP my asshole
I don’t think I’ve got enough antifreeze in my house to chug after this game.
That dude really just yelled who’s your daddy at Baker. This is a new low for us.

Florida has scored two TDs in a row, break into your Rapture rations
Well, at least we didn't pay LSU $1,000,000 to come ruin homecoming.
Go öööö another shark, Jim.
Was there any Bama meltdowns from not covering the spread?