Memo to Axe:


Damn Good Rat
Dec 2, 2001
I think you were right over on the Dawgrun. I don't think that their fans are taking Clemson seriously. If the team goes in with that attitude, they'll lose.

That attitude surprised me, as until now, I felt that many of them were very guarded in their optimism and predictions.

There's too much talk over there about USC and not enough about Clemson, which is surprising to me...given their old rivalry with Clemson. I think that they're banking on Clemson being an "ACC softy".

With Clemson's weapons on offense, if they can get decent OL play, they can score on anyone.
Same old same old from UGAg fans... every year they are posied to claim the SEC and the MNC and every year, before the second week of October, they are sporting two losses and sulking.

With that suspect secondary of theirs they will have a lot of close games this year.

Clemson ought to give them fits and may very well beat em.
Saw on Clemson's Message board another dog professing this is "The Most Talented Georgia team in 20 years." I guess pretty soon they'll have to expand that to "in 25 years" and then to "in 30 years."
I thought Donnan and his optimism was gone from Muttville.

Hold that Tiger. UGAg dogs can't hunt. Nashville bound or Shreveport bound?
