Message Boards, SportsTalk Radio, & What 2 Million People Witnessed



There is nothing being said here that has not been said all day on sportsradio. There is nothing being said here that wasn't on display for 2 million folks to witness for themselves. If RR wants to take the hive down, thats his business. But don't say its not embarassing to GT because it is. Maybe less embarassing than venting fans but embarassing none the less (but thats when moderators earn their keep.separating the wheat from the chaff). My uGag co-workers couldn't wait to point out that when the going gets rough, the hive shuts down. Last year, this year, how many more times in the future? If what you read on a message board hurts your feelings, then quit reading it. If what you hear on Sportsradio hurts your feelings, dont listen. So if you are weak and faint hearted, you better find some new activities because this thing is gonna get worse before it gets better. These are the times that separate Techfans from Techmites (the ones that come out of the woodwork when we are winning). Wear your gold and white, keep your freaking GT flag flying on your car during the week. Don't be ashamed. We will weather this storm. Coaches are temporary, its the institution and its fans that last forever.
Well put. I agree w/pretty much everything you said. As long as the threads do not degenerate into calling out student athletes or attacking them, then I am fine with it, even if I disagree w/what is being said.

The overwhelming majority of threads on stingtalk today have at least been civil in its disagreements and concerns.
Did your ugag friends also make fun of UF's board shutting down after their loss last weekend? I'd rather it be shutdown than the crazy venting over there. What good does it do? RR has stated many times that The Hive is not a personal venting board for people. Kick your dog instead.
Originally posted by GT98:
Well put. I agree w/pretty much everything you said. As long as the threads do not degenerate into calling out student athletes or attacking them, then I am fine with it, even if I disagree w/what is being said.

The overwhelming majority of threads on stingtalk today have at least been civil in its disagreements and concerns.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Do you think it is because The Hive is shutdown? Some fonts(they know who they are) over here are worse then ugag fans on the Vent.
Originally posted by GT_Dean:
Did your ugag friends also make fun of UF's board shutting down after their loss last weekend?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Since Im not a UF fan, why would they? Im not saying that RR doesnt have the right to take his board down because of course he does. And its a alot easier than actually having to administer/moderate it isnt it? It would be nice if we lived in lollypop land where everyone posted floral arrangements, and board owners could just sit back and watch happy messages scroll by. Maybe the hive can be open after wins only.. a part time board. that way everyone posts good things.. yeah, thats an idea. Lollypop Land...
GT_Dean if ya don't like what is said don't read it. Last time I checked this was a free country and the 1st amendment still protected freedom of speech.

Sorry if you find some fans' opinions not to your liking. You might want to get used to it for this season.
Originally posted by DustJacket:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by GT_Dean:
Did your ugag friends also make fun of UF's board shutting down after their loss last weekend?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Since Im not a UF fan, why would they? Im not saying that RR doesnt have the right to take his board down because of course he does. And its a alot easier than actually having to administer/moderate it isnt it? It would be nice if we lived in lollypop land where everyone posted floral arrangements, and board owners could just sit back and watch happy messages scroll by. Maybe the hive can be open after wins only.. a part time board. that way everyone posts good things.. yeah, thats an idea. Lollypop Land...</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Well, besides GT, who do they hate the most? Fla?
You act like The Hive is the only board to be shut down, it ain't the first board, and won't be the last.
Originally posted by GT_Dean:
You act like The Hive is the only board to be shut down, it ain't the first board, and won't be the last.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Why would I give a crap about any non-GT board? I mention the hive because as a GT fan, thats one that I read. So I dont care if UF, UConn, or New Mexico State boards close down. You CAN understand my point right?
Originally posted by GT_Dean:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by GT98:
Well put. I agree w/pretty much everything you said. As long as the threads do not degenerate into calling out student athletes or attacking them, then I am fine with it, even if I disagree w/what is being said.

The overwhelming majority of threads on stingtalk today have at least been civil in its disagreements and concerns.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Do you think it is because The Hive is shutdown? Some fonts(they know who they are) over here are worse then ugag fans on the Vent.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I do not understand how your reply responds to my post. Every msg. board has it share of idiots and to be fair, the hive will have a larger number due to the higher amount of accounts compared to stingtalk. My only point is that the discussions here have been civil for the most part (I do not know if the admin had to delete any threads). The hive could likewise have similar discussions concerning the state of the program and each font can post their $.02 on how to fix it. For those that cross the line, their posts can be deleted.
Originally posted by GT_Dean:
Originally posted by GT98:
[qb]Some fonts(they know who they are) over here are worse then ugag fans on the Vent.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Well it's most certainly not you Mister Finger Pointer.
Are you referring to me or GT Dean? You're reply w/quote was confusing.
Lets get this straight the 1st amendment does not guarantee you freedom of speech! It only guarantee's you that the federal govenment can not put an end to free speech! If in fact the people on this board or any other board for that matter want to limit your free speech then they may do so with out interference from any one so forget the 1st amendment as it just doesn't apply! So lets get off that subject and to the real issues of last nights game. We just stunk up the place and we can vent as long as we don't resort to name calling or just downing our players or coachs.

OldFoggy, you are absolutely correct here. This board, nor the Hive is considered free speech. They are owned by others and the owners can limit anything we wish to post.

It is up to us as individuals to stay within the confines of their rules, which I am very happy to do.
