There is nothing being said here that has not been said all day on sportsradio. There is nothing being said here that wasn't on display for 2 million folks to witness for themselves. If RR wants to take the hive down, thats his business. But don't say its not embarassing to GT because it is. Maybe less embarassing than venting fans but embarassing none the less (but thats when moderators earn their keep.separating the wheat from the chaff). My uGag co-workers couldn't wait to point out that when the going gets rough, the hive shuts down. Last year, this year, how many more times in the future? If what you read on a message board hurts your feelings, then quit reading it. If what you hear on Sportsradio hurts your feelings, dont listen. So if you are weak and faint hearted, you better find some new activities because this thing is gonna get worse before it gets better. These are the times that separate Techfans from Techmites (the ones that come out of the woodwork when we are winning). Wear your gold and white, keep your freaking GT flag flying on your car during the week. Don't be ashamed. We will weather this storm. Coaches are temporary, its the institution and its fans that last forever.