MIami/Oklahoma declare 2 gm war

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
The Hurricanes will play @ Norman in '07 & Miami in '09. The 2 teams played in '85,85,87 with the Canes winning all 3. The Sooners overcame the Mia loss in '85 to be voted the Nat'l Champ. Nice scheduling by Miami.

Miami hooks up w/Oklahoma
I guess uga came asking these two schools just a bit late, huh? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Looking forward to seeing that game. Just curious though, what does this have to do with UGA?
You're right. They only schedule weak OOC opponents...oh, wait we're one of those! They did just schedule Clemson and Colorado, too, I think.
You're right. They only schedule weak OOC opponents...oh, wait we're one of those! They did just schedule Clemson and Colorado, too, I think.

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Just checking in on what the leghumpin, nut-licking, mutt lovin ----- had to say. Keep up the good work chump! I think the point is we play UGA every year and throw in an Auburn or ND or Alabama where UGA picks a patsy. Oh yeah Clemson & Colorado but def. not a VT or Miami or FSU or Texas or Oklahoma. Some call it smart. I call it weak.
what happened to your ignore button? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
I agree. Like many other UGA Alum, I do not like sitting in 98 degree heat at 1:00pm in Sept to watch us play NE Louisianna, or New Mexico State, or especially GA Southern. I dont think any D1 team should play a D2 team, or whatever GSU is. Would really prefer to see us play a Michigan, Penn State, VT, etc. I am pretty sure I am not in the minority on that opinion, at least not with the fans.
Damon has said that he is trying to add better teams, and hopefully will continue to do so. Not sure if Clemson was the answer, but that is a long rivalry.

I was just curious, and not picking at anyone, as to why so many threads somehow get around to UGA. I know we are rivals, but I dont see the reverse on the UGA boards- at least not nearly as frequently. I know its your board, and you can talk about what you want- believe me I am not trying to in any way suggest what you can or cannot discuss. Just noticed over the past couple of years how many threads that start out having nothing to do with UGA (ie this one) happen to end up involving us.
Personally I enjoy this board. Always interesting to see your predictions for our season and how the bottom is about to fall out. More interesting than our board, because it comes from a different angle, and I get tired of reading the same stuff over and over. So really not trying to offend, was just curious.
No offense here either, but maybe we write what we do because so many uga fans like to spend time over here, and I can't figure that one out.

For me, I can't imagine ever having the urge to visit a uga board, much less post on one.
Just curious - why on earth do you enjoy coming to this board? Granted, Athens is a very nice town and would be a great place to raise a family - but even after having spent almost two years in school there and after having walked-on for two years in the late 70's (my diploma does say GT, although, it's all such a long story!!!), I have no desire to visit, much less participate, in a UGA board. Actually while typing this respose it hit me why some of y'all might want to hang with us here. But I see no need to discuss it here.
Actually while typing this respose it hit me why some of y'all might want to hang with us here. But I see no need to discuss it here.

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I had a similar thought. Was your reason that some uga fans may actually want to converse with others that can, at times, put together full sentences and coherent thoughts?

Seriously, why do so many uga people feel the need to participate on Tech boards. I could possibly understand it if we were a rival of the "mighty dawgs", but we are constantly reminded that we are not. Go figure.
Although I cannot speak for the other UGA fans that visit this board, the reason I do is for variety. If I go to the dawgvent or dawgrun, I will basically read the same information spun in several different ways over and over. It just gets a little monotonous. I know that I have my red and black glasses on, and everyone on those boards do as well. Sometimes I just want to see what others think. I usually try to avoid getting into sports discussions because I know I am a guest in your house, and I am not here to make waves. I have also found some of the threads here (in the non sports forum) to be extremely interesting, although I have noticed that GaJake15 seems to have started many of those- ie posts about early childhood memories, building clubhouses etc. But like I said, my main reason for coming here is to get a different viewpoint. Some comments piss me off (but I keep that to myself-again Im a guest) some make me laugh, and some are insightful. Hmmm, guess thats kinda like politics. And political conversations with only people that see things your way does get kinda boring.