Mills and his brother

That's awesome man. Marcus Allen has a good story developing into this bowl game too - he'll be the #2 BB to Mills (with the departure of Marshall) and is from the Jacksonville area. He hasn't gotten a ton of playing time the last 4 years after picking GT over FSU and others (because GT said he could play RB) but is graduating with an ISYE degree and getting to play in front of his family and friends.

Two great stories for the Tech BBs this weekend. Hopefully both get to show out!

Kenny, 22, stopped playing football after the ninth grade, realizing his future lay with academics. He enlisted in the Navy after graduating 32nd in his class at Ware County High School, attracted to the idea of travelling the world and serving his country. His deployments have taken him to such far-flung locales as Portugal, Spain, France, Bahrain, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. He also finds time to play in a flag football league at Mayport (his position: wide receiver).

"I love the Navy. Being where we came from, the Navy has given me everything that I ever wanted, ever needed. Being that I'm stateside and I'm able to support him, I love it," said Kenny, the oldest of four brothers (Dedrick is the second-oldest).

In his current rank, Mills is in charge of all administrative work for his commanding and executive officers. He also tends to junior personnel, which includes discipline, evaluations and rewards.

It sounds like he will have eligibility in a few years ;)