Miracle on TECMOwood Drive v.Video

Even 8-bit Tecmo knows the right shade of gold , but Russell fails every time.
That I did not witness this live is one of my biggest regrets. And I have a Kasich 2016 bumper sticker.
I vividly remember screaming "RUN! RUN! RUN!" probably louder than I have ever screamed anything. Nearly got my hand broke high fiving those around me. They were the hardest high fives ever.
I remember cheering in disbelief, thinking surely there was some reason the play got blown dead after the block, and no one could hear the whistle through the sheer pandemonium. But then that didn't happen, and life was good.
I vividly remember screaming "RUN! RUN! RUN!" probably louder than I have ever screamed anything. Nearly got my hand broke high fiving those around me. They were the hardest high fives ever.

High fives? We were pretty much midair humping each other in 222 once Lance got in the endzone.
That I did not witness this live is one of my biggest regrets.

I had to listen to the radio broadcast that day--I never listen to games on the radio. Indescribable how awesome and surreal that ending was after 3+ hours of play-by-play and commercials. Would've been better to be there, but that was a cool one to listen to.
I'm gonna claim credit for that win. I was working at the Tesla plant in California and watching on my laptop. When Free Shoes was lining up for the kick I told a coworker that GT would block it and run it back for a td.