Monday morning perspective (long)


Flats Noob
Aug 10, 2002
To all stingers who have chosen to read this post,
Let me start by saying it has been a difficult weekend. For all those who love GT and want them to win as I do (most of you, I'm sure,) it has been painful. I'm not at the end of my rope, and I'm not even as close as I thought I was.

The beauty of stingtalk is the diversity of perspectives and opinions. There are fans who are GT alum., GT by choice, GT by family,and GT by raising. There are OFs, boomers, middle agers, gen. x-ers, students, and probably even some youngsters. There are engineers, myriad other "tech" types, liberal arts type, laborers, both active and retired. Thers is even the requisite lawyer
(cheers to you, lawbee.)

The opinions vary greatly. After this particular game, the opinions in a nutshell are as follows: bad gameplan; good gameplan--bad execution; good gameplan--good execution--except for a few key plays. It is CG's fault; it is BOB's fault; it is AJ's fault; it is the receivers' fault. None have blamed the D.

After a loss like this, tempers flare, irrational thoughts commence, and many offenses are taken--some rightfully so, some more sensitively so.

Some good advice has been dispensed, some poor.

I'm sure some have remained level-headed and rational and would dispense with the same analysis of the game, season, and state of the program, but for most FRUSTRATION tainted the eyes with which we view the Jackets, each other, and life in general. Many of the concerns and opinions are certainly valid, but when fueled by the excesses of emotion, become like daggers to some.

It is "just a game," but one we all love and care about. It is "just a game," but GT is not "just a team." GT is not life, but it makes life good--even better when winning.

There is still room for and call for discussion, predicting, venting, questioning and the like. I'm sure there will be other seasons (not f-ball, but as in eras of time) when the posters and posting will resemble that of this weekend. I don't think it was wrong or bad. But it is good to see everyone return to the ground.

Everyone reacts to adversity in their own way. It is a survival mode, and we do what we can to get through it. Be patient with each other--express yourself, argue your points, call out each other if you so desire, but remember we are all in the same boat. Anyone at any time is more than welcome to jump ship--we don't; that's what makes us GT fans.

For those who trudged through my somewhat "stream of consciousness" meanderings, Thanks for hearing me out, if nothing else it was theraupuetic. My thought took me far from where I planned to go. I am thankful for all my GT brothers and sisters on this fine board. Have a good day and I'll see you on the board.
Good Post.

I think alot of what you are talking about comes from the fact that with Football being the #1 GT sport and only 12 games a year alot of people get more than frustrated when Tech doesn't win. And even MORE frustrated when it seems like Tech should have won and falls short.

My grandad and great uncle graduated from GT
2 more uncles have graduated from GT
I graduated BSEE from GT
and I have 2 cousins in classes right now at GT


I have more family that has graduated from UGA...Way more!!
My grandad had to deal with sending 3 of his kids to UGA and my dad is now paying tuition for my sister there now.

I know where you coming from. Even today I honestly feel GT ranks about 4th in fan base in its own state. UGA,FSU,ND, then GT that probably ties with UNC for fans in georgia.

And it was worse just 4 years ago. Before Joe you could gather a crowd of 100 anywhere in the state and less than 10 would raise their hands as GT fans.

But you know what, I like it that way. So it doesn't bother me when the fair weather fans jump ship.

you may ask why I like it that way..well the victories are so much more sweeter when no one gives you any respect. I'd like someone to tell me where..any where in the state where GT will consitently lead off the local sports segment. I still remember in 1990 when coming into the UGA game ranked #2 the caption on the AJC read something like "UGA plays Tech" with a picture of uga 30.

Anyway,..I'll never forget when Forrest hit that fade away 3 at the buzzer, the michigan state game in the 91 tornament, destroying Nebraska when we were still underdogs in that Citrus game, all the comebacks from Joe, and so on, and so on..

Just remeber UGA fans are still clinging to "there's sugar falling from the sky"... and they are just one Auburn game away from replaying that "hunker down" CD for another year..pretty soon it will be a quater century old.
SpellingBee- Like everyone else said: Good Post, it was nice to read.
Jasper-thanks: Great name by the way! good reply from you. I think what your commenting on with the AJC(Correct me if im wrong) Is due to the Minority population of GT fans to UGAg fans. They ALWAYS get the bigger section of the sports page. With the exception of a couple of weeks ago, when we beat state, and they lost to UF...however, we still got the SAME amount of space, when our game was CLEARLY the one that deserved the big headline. This will continue to happen, I didnt realize it till my dad pointed it out, but it makes sense now.
Also...speaking of UF. I think theyd jump in there before ND, under your "Fan base" in Ga. list. I see a LOT more UF tags then ND. Just my 2 cents.

Good post, spellingbee. Everyone was upset saturday, or should have been; it was a hard game to lose. I went off a little bit because when I turned on stingtalk I saw a couple of posts which seemed almost to suggest that Suggs purposely played poorly.

Techsa million , you posted an apology to the board, didn't you? A decent sentiment, but not necessary, you've always been an upbeat poster.

And whoever said this was a "wasted" season, or whatever the term was, you must not like football much.
We have seen some GREAT football from the Jackets.
We can still win 9 this year. NINE. This has not been a bad season. We are poised to win 7 games and be bowl-bound for the 6th straight year. Only a handful of teams can say that.