More Captivating Journalism From The AJC

The Jacket

The Coat
Jun 17, 2002





We're 271 tickets behind last year's total with two full weeks until the opener and the headline we get is "TECH TICKET SALES LAGGING" ?

And before anyone turns their nose up and says "Some of you just need a reason to hate the AJC before you can get up in the mornings" - it's not the fact that they're talking about our ticket sales, it's the fact that the number is so trivial with 2 weeks to go and instead of a neutral headline, they run with the most negative one they could come up with, short of "Tech Sales Fail, Again; UGA Named Heir Apparent to Pluto as Ninth Planet"
You don't need UGA as a planet when you've already got Uranus.
Biggest problem I have with the AUC is not the writers, it's the headline writers. Those guys need to just go ahead and get jobs at the National Enquirer. Half the time the headline is at odds with the article. They are clowns and it's no wonder they are having to cut back.
The fact of the matter is that sales are STILL lagging. They lagged last year, the year before that, and so on. The goal is not to match last years numbers but to considerably improve upon them, which we have not done. Other then the fact it's a "who cares" article, there's nothing wrong or slanted with what they're saying.

P.S. I still hate the AJC and their trash liberal, pro-Georgia, sensationalistic journalism.
Other then the fact it's a "who cares" article, there's nothing wrong or slanted with what they're saying.

Some people just need a reason to hate the AJC before they get up in the morning :).

Seriously though, this is disappointing to me. I was expecting a significant increase in season ticket sales when we brought Paul Johnson in. Not a Saban-to-Alabama, 90,000 people at the spring game sort of increase, but I certainly didn't expect to be lagging behind last year at this point. I guess it will take some winning before more people start to support the program.
Some people just need a reason to hate the AJC before they get up in the morning :).

Seriously though, this is disappointing to me. I was expecting a significant increase in season ticket sales when we brought Paul Johnson in. Not a Saban-to-Alabama, 90,000 people at the spring game sort of increase, but I certainly didn't expect to be lagging behind last year at this point. I guess it will take some winning before more people start to support the program.

our fans just arent that committed. i have heard so many complain about a "weak home schedule" and the two 1-AA teams, but all in all, they are excuses.

we need to do a better job of instilling a committment in our student body to support the school athletics, but it is harder when you have a high percentage of your student body with no interest in sports in the first place, and add that to those who are not from the US, and may be more into non-American sports
our fans just arent that committed. i have heard so many complain about a "weak home schedule" and the two 1-AA teams, but all in all, they are excuses.

we need to do a better job of instilling a committment in our student body to support the school athletics, but it is harder when you have a high percentage of your student body with no interest in sports in the first place, and add that to those who are not from the US, and may be more into non-American sports

I think there is a lot of hype and interest. My cousin is flying in from Tampa for JSU. My mom is even pumped for JSU and she hasnt been to a game since FSU '02. It really just depends who you talk to.
Once the season starts and there is less uncertainty, people will start buying tickets.
Once the wagon starts moving forward, people will be jumping on by the dozens. I saw it first hand down here (with Miles and LSU). It is just natural to be weary with new coaches.
Once the wagon starts moving forward, people will be jumping on by the dozens. I saw it first hand down here (with Miles and LSU). It is just natural to be weary with new coaches.

"Weary" or "wary?" Haha just kiddin :D

I think people were "weary" with the last coach but some may be "wary" with the new one.
The problem is not that we have legions of unmotivated fans that will suddenly become energized with a new coach...the problem is that we don't have enough fans.

That's a much harder problem to overcome...
Until I can't walk down and get a ticket for $30.00 on game day in the event that I feel like watching I won't buy season tickets.

If we start winning, this might change and I'll be forced to buy season tickets ... ala hoops.
I wonder whose sales are lagging more -- GT's, or the AJC's?

Considering that the AJC is downsizing while GTAA is not..... the answer seems pretty obvious.

The issue that we're avoiding on this thread that has been brought up before, is how many of last year's season tickets were purchased by Clemson or especially ugag fans. My guess is that we're actually ahead of last year's pace if you subtract those. Still isn't what we all want, but I think we're probably doing better than just the total sales really show.