More on Nesbitt from Macon Telegraph


Nov 19, 2007

The article is actually about Cooper, but here is the info on Nesbitt:
There were no announced changes Wednesday to Joshua Nesbitt’s status to play in the Independence Bowl, and there likely will be none until several days before the game is to be played Dec. 27.
During his first news conference since the regular season ended two weeks ago, Johnson was asked about Nesbitt’s clearance to recuperate from a broken arm and play. Much like he did in a teleconference four days prior, Johnson deferred comment to time and team doctors.
“I don’t know if Joshua will be returning for the bowl; that is all in the doctors’ hands,” Johnson said. “We will play him when they say he’s good to go.”
Nesbitt was sidelined about five weeks ago when he took a shot to his right arm by the knee of a Virginia Tech defender trying to sprint past him at full-speed. The result was a broken forearm that has had him sidelined since, but one that has kept him ever hopeful of a seven-week return.
In order for him to play in the bowl, he would have to practice for at least a week in order to get back in shape and knock off any rust he had accumulated, Johnson said.
“We’re not going to put him at risk just to see if we can get him out there for one more game, one more series,” Johnson said. “He’s going to have to have been cleared by the doctors and they’ll have to say there’s no issues and he’s ready to go.”

Another tidbit:
One of Meyer’s daughters, Nikki, plays volleyball at Georgia Tech. Yellow Jackets football center Sean Bedford is a family friend. As the news about Meyer’s resignation hit just as the Yellow Jackets were headed out for their late-afternoon football practice, Bedford received a message from home informing him of the news.