Most embarrassing loss of the CPJ era?

I'm not embarrassed - except that I wasted time watching. CPJ should be embarrassed though. His time has passed. I thought we were passed this in 2014 - then again when he pulled out a decent season in 2016. But this is becoming a trend. And a 15M dollar buy out? Yeah, that's embarrassing too.
KState tops the list.
MTSU had better athletes than KState. But it was still pretty embarrassing. Ok, really embarrassing, since it was a 21-point loss. At home.
Today was just a collection of WTF from start to finish.
MTSU -last game my father was able to attend with me before passing in 2013. He’s the reason I remain a Tech loyalist though I’m a UGA alum.

As we left BDS that day, he mumbled to me (affects of a stroke and dementia) “I’m not coming back” ...prophetic.