Navy vs Army HC if GT wants to stays with the triple option

Navy vs Army HC if GT wants to stays with the triple option

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My thinking is that GTs AD will not pick another PJ style spread option coach.
I placed the poll here because some have brought up their names.
I just wanted to see from the GT fans that want to keep the T-Option which HC & staff they would choose!
If we're going to go that route, Monken is the only name that should be considered.

I'm not being rude, both would be great coaches, but why Monken? By the way I like them both & both would be a great pick.
I'm not being rude, both would be great coaches, but why Monken? By the way I like them both & both would be a great pick.

Monken has experience at Tech and has completely resurrected a lifeless Army program that, before his arrival, looked closer to abandoning football altogether than becoming a top 25 team. Basically, his path has been much closer to what PJ's was, and there's also the hope that he will be more open to expanding the offense.

An option coach is already a tough sell for many Tech fans right now. An option coach whose team is currently 4-7 and fan support will be nil next year.
Monken has experience at Tech and has completely resurrected a lifeless Army program that, before his arrival, looked closer to abandoning football altogether than becoming a top 25 team. Basically, his path has been much closer to what PJ's was, and there's also the hope that he will be more open to expanding the offense.

An option coach is already a tough sell for many Tech fans right now. An option coach whose team is currently 4-7 and fan support will be nil next year.

At GT I believe that their is much bias toward the Spread Option.
I really like Monken and he proved himself at GSU and Army that he can take what is given him and turn them into winners.
Ken was with PJ when he turned NAVY around & kept the success going. If you look at Ken's Navy years as HC only 2 are below average 2011 & 2018 over an 11 year period.

Both Monken and Ken would have many players already in place at GT. The trick is how many of their staff could they bring with them?
I’d prefer Monken of the two but hope it only gets to them if we’re turned down by bigger names.
Which bigger names would you take over Monken?

Leach is probably one, unfortunately it would cost at least $6 million a year, probably more, so it's unlikely.
Monken or Ken would be great picks , gut they HAVE to get the program what it needs on offense and defense.

If GTs Offense can get a QB that can hit the wide's, slots or Full Back when he needs to or even install a simple Run & Shoot package, as PJ did in the 1985-86 at GSC then you would have the best of both worlds. 380+ russhing on the ground, 120+ in the air and 38+ ppg.
Just check this out one time & if you dont like it, so be it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Defensive Recruiting for a T-Option Team - Defensive players still want to play for a team that can make a good bowl or playoffs. The defensive players also want to be attached to a great team where they get confirmation for bringing their team to the point of notoriety. The team itself and its culture has a lot to do with offensive and defensive recruiting. The defensive coordinator and his staff have to make the Players believe in his scheme and prove it on the field. Still they want the offense to put points on the board so that all the games dont fall on the defense’s shoulders. *(Most teams run a 4-3 defense some 3-4 but mast is the same. You have a great Defensive Coordinator; staff and the players will come and shine!

Offensive Recruiting for the PJ Spread Triple Option. - There are some problems here. The Line, QB and wide receivers have the biggest problems being looked at by the NFL (IF) those players are looking for that after they graduate GT. With as many FBS & FCS schools that there are and as few NFL teams that there are there are many players that want a scholarship, a degree, & play their last years with passion & adrenalin highs. With the linemen Cut Blocking is great for the T-Option, but the NFL want pancakes, passing and zone blocking. The wide receivers are used mainly for taking the defensive wide out down the field, blocking or streak routs. The QB is a half back that should be able to throw & hit ant offensive back 55% of the time when needed or when the defense lets them.

In 1985 & 86 PJ was at GSC, under ERK' s OC. We had a QB, Tracy Ham, backs wide outs & line that could do anything the wanted in 1aa. In the 3rd quarter PJs assistant said - We have to open it up and let Tracy do his thing" Please watch the 3.4-minute video of the 2nd half of the 85 NC when GSC used a wide-open Run & Shoot passing attack to win the game.

PJ installed a limited but very powerful Run & Shoot passing package that both Tracy and his backs. could understand. In 1985 Furman had stopped our Triple Option attack in the first half and took about a 21-point lead. We opend up the Run & shoot and beat them!

Tracy wanted to be QB at Florida but they wanted him at running back. ERK took him as a QB. There is still a chance with as many Highschool QBs running some sort of option to get a QB for GT.

Start at 3:56
Navy's HC or OC
I am a big Ivin Jasper fan. But I'd love for Monken to get the chance to come back. He already has connections in the state from being at Tech and Southern before. He's very well respected and he is also very well liked and respected by the media who have dealt with him before. See the story on what he did for Mike Brown, who is a stringer for the Savannah paper (and, ahem, a Tech fan) after his house caught fire.