NCAA finally cracks down on diploma mills

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
The NCAA wound up with so much egg on their face that they couldn't see straight from the terrifically scathing NY Times in-depth article on the High School diploma mills. The fantastic NY Times item focused mainly on University High in Miami that would, basically, mail the youngsters a HS diploma for a fee of $399.
The NCAA absolutely had to do something. The NCAA needs to de-certify many more than just the 3 they have recently moved on, but it's, at least, a start. Thank goodness for the fine piece of investigative writing from the NY Times. Here's the NCAA's knee jerk reaction.

NCAA stops a coupla diploma mills
I will read the link tomorrow, but thank you.
I am more concerned about the D-1 "schools" that build targets around where some of their darts land, if you get my drift.
I somewhat agree with you....

Closing down the diploma mills is stopping the supply. If they want to solve the problem and not the symptom, they need to stop the demand. Kinda like illegal drugs.

But also, kinda like drugs, this is a good first step and probably the short term answer. But the long term answer lies in stopping the demand. JMHO.