The NCAA wound up with so much egg on their face that they couldn't see straight from the terrifically scathing NY Times in-depth article on the High School diploma mills. The fantastic NY Times item focused mainly on University High in Miami that would, basically, mail the youngsters a HS diploma for a fee of $399.
The NCAA absolutely had to do something. The NCAA needs to de-certify many more than just the 3 they have recently moved on, but it's, at least, a start. Thank goodness for the fine piece of investigative writing from the NY Times. Here's the NCAA's knee jerk reaction.
NCAA stops a coupla diploma mills
The NCAA absolutely had to do something. The NCAA needs to de-certify many more than just the 3 they have recently moved on, but it's, at least, a start. Thank goodness for the fine piece of investigative writing from the NY Times. Here's the NCAA's knee jerk reaction.
NCAA stops a coupla diploma mills