Neighbor is a Hokie


Flats Noob
Nov 16, 2003
My neighbor is a Hokie. He's some kind of a aeronautical engineer - like that's a real major. Anyway, I tried to run over his dog (it's ok, it's a really old dog and will probably die within a few years). Anyway, I nicked 'em and I can't wait until my dumbass Hokie neighbor figures it out.

I say let's go for their pets and send a message.
ArchiTECH said:
I say let's go for their pets and send a message.

This is a textbook example of whats wrong with the system.

GT is a legitimate Div 1 program and the kiddies that lurk/post this kind of garbage need to go!

TECH will BEE the legit Tech after this weekend!
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gnats67 said:
This is a textbook example of whats wrong with the system. Half drunk runts posting bullsh*t on these boards as if we're all a bunch of dreamer fairies.

GT is a legimtimate Div 1 program and the kiddies that lurk/post this kind of garbage need to go!


I'm a fully drunk runt.
Better yet, kill a turkey, paint it gold, then put it on their door step.
ArchiTECH said:
My neighbor is a Hokie. He's some kind of a aeronautical engineer - like that's a real major. Anyway, I tried to run over his dog (it's ok, it's a really old dog and will probably die within a few years). Anyway, I nicked 'em and I can't wait until my dumbass Hokie neighbor figures it out.

I say let's go for their pets and send a message.

You need to get the shit beat out of you.
BarrelORum said:
You need to get the shit beat out of you.

please tell me you are not taking this seriously - a little levity big guy - no actual dogs were harmed in the making of this post
Archi, There are some tense fans on the boards lately, I found your story amusing. Thanks for lightening things up a bit.
refrigeratormover said:
Archi, There are some tense fans on the boards lately, I found your story amusing. Thanks for lightening things up a bit.
Thanks John,
I've been a devoted fan of my alma mater, Mother Tech, for nearly 4 decades and I am much too old to take most things so very seriously anymore. I've attended football games for 36 years (would have been longer except I was out of town for a while with that silly Vietnam thing), earned a couple of degrees from the Mother Institute and defend her almost daily to my dear friend, and aeronautical engineer, Hokie neighbor.

I sent him my post and at least he thinks it was funny <I know, insert here, "but nobody else does">.

BUT, HE HASN'T FOUND HIS DOG YET! (just teasing BOR, gnats67, et al).
refrigeratormover said:
Archi, There are some tense fans on the boards lately, I found your story amusing. Thanks for lightening things up a bit.

I second that. What may be even funnier is that folks still don't get your sense of humor: Classic, with a vulgar twist.
ArchiTECH said:
I'm a fully drunk runt.

Hey, just wait one minute! Seems like just a few days ago you claimed that you used to be a fat girl, and now you claim to be a fully drunk runt? That must have been some kind of a weird operation you had. Either that or your having another one of those "lesbian trapped in a man's body" type of moments.

And don't worry about BOR. After what he did to the uga mutt a couple of years ago, he certainly ain't on the ASCPA's "World Class Dog Lover" list either.
JacketIM said:
Hey, just wait one minute! Seems like just a few days ago you claimed that you used to be a fat girl, and now you claim to be a fully drunk runt?

I see no substantive difference or mutual exclusivity
I have a couple of Hokie neighbors, so I am taking it out on their pets. One of them has a brand new little kitten, so to show it what it's going to be like on Saturday for her owner's team, I put her in a cardboard box with a bunch of yellow jackets. She was whining and meowing her little head off as she was certainly getting stung multiple times, and I was outside laughing. Afterwards, I dumped the barely-breathing feline on my neighbor's front doorstep and left a note that said: "Don't mess with the yellow jackets!" That'll show them!

***Disclaimer: I completely fabricated that entire story. I would never harm a kitten.
ArchiTECH said:
My neighbor is a Hokie.
Does he have large talons? (OK, probably only folks who've watched the "Chuck Dynamite" flash movie on the Raleigh News and Observer site will get that - so I'll link it click here)
GT Adamni said:
I have a couple of Hokie neighbors, so I am taking it out on their pets. One of them has a brand new little kitten, so to show it what it's going to be like on Saturday for her owner's team, I put her in a cardboard box with a bunch of yellow jackets. She was whining and meowing her little head off as she was certainly getting stung multiple times, and I was outside laughing. Afterwards, I dumped the barely-breathing feline on my neighbor's front doorstep and left a note that said: "Don't mess with the yellow jackets!" That'll show them!

***Disclaimer: I completely fabricated that entire story. I would never harm a kitten.

You guys are weird, making up stories like that.