New BDS@HGF photos online!

Thanks Cracker!! Nice stuff!! It's moving along since the 18th.
Tomorrow, turf is scheduled to be rolled on field. They're really coming along outside east stands. Was there a lot of people at work on the wall that's going underneath the North Stands? That has to be completed before the rest of the beem for seating can go up in North I'm pretty sure. Just curious.
Just downloaded your MPG. Have made a few myself. Yours turned out a lot better. Didn't feel like the quality of mine were worth people downloading with 56K. Really like yours. Good job!!

I'm excited about grass going down tomorrow!! When are you going down for more pictures and video hehe
? I don't know if I'll be able to this week yet.
Thanks for the pics Cracker.... great shots... your effort is greatly appreciated.
Thanx for the progres update! The pics are great. Since I am out of state, it is nice to see how the rennovations are coming along via the pictures posted! I appreciate it! GOOOOOOOO JACKETS!
The video has been updated and a better sound
track has been added. The fight song sounds
better than the static. =]