New BDS Renovation pics as of July 10, 2002


Nov 19, 2001
Been less than a week since my last pictures. Things are moving right along for opener Aug. 31.

The pictures on the first page are from today. You'll find the rest of the new pictures on the link, "Photo Albums", on the right listed as "Additional Pics as of July 10, 2002" once you get to the photo albums.

Many people at work when I went by there today. Had to take someone to airport. Nice to be able to drop by GT.

Link: NEW URL for BDS Renovation Pics for July 10
thanks for the pics... its really appreciated... does anyone know how much of the North stands will be completed for this season...will it only be the lower portion
From what I understand everything you're looking at as far as seating with be completed for this season. Things like some of the concessions and other "ammenities" may not be from what I was told. The boxes will go on top of what you see, then the upper north on top of them as part of Phase II after this season is completed.

When things like concessions aren't finished, they'll utilize nonpermanent facilities I'd think.
Thanks for much for the pictures.

Has the walk way/bridge from the north to the east
stands been pored??
New URL has been replaced in link above for new pictures as of July 10. The old URL was deleted.
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
atl, I'm not really sure where that "bridge" or "walkway" is. The only things stopping someone frome being able to walk from the north to the south is that construction going on right in front of the edge. I believe there is something under the stands for easy access to Wardlaw weight facilities from the locker rooms and theropy rooms in the Edge. That may be what you are referring too. I dont' know if it's complete.

Sorry, but I had to delete my picture page. I'll try to get up another one soon.

It wasn't ready for the sometimes unfriendly Hive. Started to not post them hear after Beeware's remarks last time. ;-)

DrunkenJacket posted the on the Hive. That's cool. There were here on a public forum, so they are fair game. There are some things that I wanted to change first before getting a bunch of emails regarding it. I don't mind constructive critisism, but I don't have all day to make a professional webpage to post pictures of BDS. That page is just something quick and easy so GT fans can see it especially those from out of town that don't get a chance.

If I told you how many emails I recieved last time I posted on them on the Hive you wouldn't believe me. ;-) Not a one of the emails where thankful appreciative either.

Anyways. It's been deleted. I'll get up new one with a diff URL soon and post the link.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Sorry to hear about all the non-appreciative e-mails. I damn sure did appreciate your pictures.
Thanks for all your hard work. I'm sorry to hear
about the rude emails you received. I'm very
grateful for the time and effort you put into
posting the update pictures of the stadium....
Thank Bug. I'm lucky to be able to get to Atlanta a good bit. Know a lot of people don't. Really want us all to be excited about what's happening down at the flats. It's one way I can try and help. There are people all across the country and other parts of GA that don't get opportunity that I have. It's my pleasure to share!!
I'm not really sure where that "bridge" or "walkway" is. The only things stopping someone frome being able to walk from the north to the south is that construction going on right in front of the edge.

Yes, I mean the area in front of edge. It has
been framed for a week, but not pored. Did you
notice if it is now pored???
Appreciate the pictures....they really are 'grand' even if the field isn't!!

Thanks again.


In 'Buck' We Trust

Thanks for the photos and for posting. As you can see from my profile, I don't back to ATL as often as I'd like. I appreciate your efforts to help keep us all informed.

Know what you're talking about now. Hard to tell from the west stands. I tried to get through on the east side. Just too much going on to try and get a better look. It's nice to be able to get inside to see what's going on. Didn't want to push it. The framing is still up though. That much can be seen.
atl, I'm not really sure where that "bridge" or "walkway" is. The only things stopping someone frome being able to walk from the north to the south is that construction going on right in front of the edge. I believe there is something under the stands for easy access to Wardlaw weight facilities from the locker rooms and theropy rooms in the Edge. That may be what you are referring too. I dont' know if it's complete.

Sorry, but I had to delete my picture page. I'll try to get up another one soon.

It wasn't ready for the sometimes unfriendly Hive. Started to not post them hear after Beeware's remarks last time. ;-)

DrunkenJacket posted the on the Hive. That's cool. There were here on a public forum, so they are fair game. There are some things that I wanted to change first before getting a bunch of emails regarding it. I don't mind constructive critisism, but I don't have all day to make a professional webpage to post pictures of BDS. That page is just something quick and easy so GT fans can see it especially those from out of town that don't get a chance.

If I told you how many emails I recieved last time I posted on them on the Hive you wouldn't believe me. ;-) Not a one of the emails where thankful appreciative either.

Anyways. It's been deleted. I'll get up new one with a diff URL soon and post the link.