New Bowl


Varsity Lurker
May 1, 2002
I am curious about your thoughts on the new Charlotte Bowl that pits ACC against Big East.

Although I am thrilled that the ACC got another bowl contract, I am very disappointed about the opponent being the Big East. IMHO, I feel that we need to play against other conferences such as the Big 10, Big 12, and PAC 10. Our bowls are against the SEC (Peach) and Big East (Gator) - and I know about the geographical thing, but I feel that for national attention, we need to play against the other top conferences.

Whatever happened to the Seattle Bowl? I loved that it matched the ACC against the PAC 10. The location was bad for us, but wasn't it going to move to another city?
The Seattle Bowl was setup as a one year deal w/the ACC vs. the Pac-10.

The Queen City Bowl in Charlotte makes a lot more sense as far as ptting the ACC vs. the Big East. It is a reasonable travel distance for the majority of the Big East teams and who knows, maybe the Tobacco Rd. schools will support a local bowl. If anything, the deal is pretty good for GT fans because it opens up a realistic option. The Peach doesn't want us except every 20 yrs. and are you really going to trek across the country to Seattle to see a 4th/5th place team? At least in Charlotte, the game would be a day trip.

Hopefully, we'll be discussing travel plans for better bowls.
I agree with you. Since there are only a handful of bowl games that are "Big" bowls, the smaller ones should be tailored towards the geography of the conferences it's affiliated with.

Since most of these smaller bowl games are becoming a way to reward players for having a decent season, not as a way of recognizing the top teams, having them closer to hame makes sense.

Last year, there was no way I could go to the Seattle Bowl, not to mention the fact that the game was between two schools who finished in teh middle of their conferences. But I would have gone to Charlotte, maybe Orlando for it.
I doubt if you'll ever see the ACC in the Seattle Bowl again. That makes about as much sense as putting the PAC-10 in the Peach Bowl from a geography standpoint. I think the Seattle Bowl will look for a Mountain West or WAC team.

I'm glad they're adding a bowl in Charlotte, but I'd prefer a different conference as our opponent. Either Big10 or Big12 or something.
I concur that the new bowl in Charlotte is great for the ACC. I also agree that the opposition participants should be expanded to another conference other than the Big East. Big 10 (11) or Big 12 sounds good to me too.

I just read (think on where the ACC has renewed with the Seattle Bowl. The PAC 10 did not renew. The ACC opponent will be from the Mountain West Conference.

Ug. My point to all of this is that we (the ACC) need to be playing the PAC 10, Big 12, and Big 10 more often. So much for that....
As much as I love football and bowl season... we have too many bowls... a 6-6 team should not be going to a bowl...
I agree, there are too many bowls. Years ago many good 7-3 teams were excluded from bowls, including GT, because there were few bowls.

I like the idea of the major bowls and then some minor bowls, but a team should at least have seven or eight wins to be elligible. Too many bowls and too many inferior teams playing in them.
