NEW HIVE, comments? (LINK)


Nov 25, 2001

It appears that the transition is getting close and the "NEW Hive" is starting to take shape. I am interested in what everyone's early impression are.
Adamni, since I have only been on the boards for about three years, I am definitely not an insider so I am oblivious to the term "inside information".

Is there another sub-board to the Hive? Is there something us general subscribers are missing from the present Hive arrangement. On the new board, what kind of inside information would the new board bring us? If it is classified information, money does not guarantee a person will be honest and not divulge classified information.

I did not know about an inside board for pay. Can a member from another school pay the $60 and get into the classified information on the new Hive? I am completely in the dark. Since I know absolutely nothing about the new board nor the network it is joining, any information will be more than I know at this point.

Any one that has any details, could you please enlighten me. Even rumors would be more than I know at this point.


I do not believe the premium subscribers will be any more informed then the free people.

I have seen how this worked on the Territory vs Warchant which is FSU's sites. I know the Territory has recently gone premium too, but they use to be free. People would routinely post stuff on the Terr. and say this was just posted on warchant. The people at Warchant did not get upset and in fact said that it was ok with them. I hope this is the approach that RR takes.

One of the things that makes message board so popular is that people love to break stories. Even if they try to police info on the free part of the hive then it would just be posted here on stingtalk.

Info will get out. I personally do not believe RR will try to censor info on the free part. It would turn a lot of people off if he did. Maybe the premium site can be the part well all the people only say positive stuff and never offer criticism.

My initial impression is that it is not going to be as easy to read as the hive. I know RR said he was going to keep the format the same but I do not think the software is going to allow it. It is still early though so we will have to wait until they tweak it.

law_bee, I hope you are right. The only problem for me right now is that I'm still a student, and I can't afford to pay money for all those premium subscriptions right now. Hopefully you are right and people will come on over here to fill us in when some breaking news comes out, recruiting tidbits, etc. I hate to be the last to find out about something.
Originally posted by GTadamni:
law_bee, I hope you are right. The only problem for me right now is that I'm still a student, and I can't afford to pay money for all those premium subscriptions right now. Hopefully you are right and people will come on over here to fill us in when some breaking news comes out, recruiting tidbits, etc. I hate to be the last to find out about something.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">It WILL NOT be a problem. My prediction is that the free forum on the new hive will be the dominate forum. The internet is all about free stuff. I remember around 5 years ago the ajc tried to make people pay and that lasted for about a year then it was free. During that year I got my news from the Chicago Tribune online. The NYTimes also tried to make people pay. It too is free now. If the NYtimes is free the hell if I am going to pay for a message board.

My concern is more about the format. I do not want it to be difficult to get around in. If you have a LARGE number of posters and then it is not branched it can be impossible to follow the discussion.

Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Adamni, since I have only been on the boards for about three years, I am definitely not an insider so I am oblivious to the term "inside information".

Is there another sub-board to the Hive? Is there something us general subscribers are missing from the present Hive arrangement. On the new board, what kind of inside information would the new board bring us? If it is classified information, money does not guarantee a person will be honest and not divulge classified information.

I did not know about an inside board for pay. Can a member from another school pay the $60 and get into the classified information on the new Hive? I am completely in the dark. Since I know absolutely nothing about the new board nor the network it is joining, any information will be more than I know at this point.

Any one that has any details, could you please enlighten me. Even rumors would be more than I know at this point.


<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">The Hive is moving over to The Insiders network, so it will be hosted on a different server, be run by several people, etc. The new address for will be

There will be several message boards at the new Hive, split up kind of like what we have here. But, there will be a "premium" board that you have to pay the $60 per year to be able to access. This is where the supposed "inside" information and recruiting tidbits and things like that will be posted and discussed. It won't only be the message board, but probably certain stories that will be posted on the new site will require the subscription.

If I'm correct, it will be kind of like the Stanford board, The Bootleg (if you have ever seen it). At the Bootleg they sometimes post links to articles that require a premium subscription, and you can never fully find out what's going on unless you are able to read it. They don't have a premium message board over there, but they do require a subscription to read some articles. Here is an example of a post like what I am talking about: THE BOOTLEG

This is what I fear because I crave stuff like that about GT sports, especially football. Oh well, I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I'm curious to know who determines what is "Premium" vs what is free. That Stanford link just looks like the guy posted it to the premium board. What if everyone just posted to the free board?

I guess my question is: Where is the premium info coming from, and who's to say it can't be free info?

Culb, the Wednesday's Notes that are linked in that message on the Bootleg are similar to the Friday's notes (at least that's what I assume) right HERE. Somehow the Friday's notes didn't require premium subscription to access. It's not on a message board, but more like an article that was written. The guy that posted both of those messages, ME97, kind of works for the website, so he has the ability to have articles on there.

Sorry about that! sometimes the site will allow linkage.

If you want I can e-mail this to you. I know this works.
All of the stuff I read tells me that it is next to impossible to get people to pay for the net. The WSJ is the only site I know of that is pay except for the xxx's.

I am not going to pay for services on the net. My concern is when you start asking for a fee then that is different than donations. It is not a fan based site then and it becomes more of a business.

When I see the NYtimes, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post etc. have free sites then why should anything be pay.

There is one site that is pretty new


where you can watch movies on the net. (for pay) But the music videos are free. The quality is pretty good as long as you keep the screen midsize.

If you are charging people fees then you better be

1. offering a product that is not anywhere free
2. something that is of REAL value

I had no problem with RR asking for donations to cover his costs (including his time for running the site). But as some people have mentioned the ads are a nuisance. And if I feel they are overly hyping the premium forums then that will be a turnoff as well.

I read the hive, but for the most part I do my posting over here. Ever since the Maryland loss when things got heated I was looking for another GT place to post.
My criteria is a little different. I enjoy the Hive, but I do most of my posting on Stingtalk. I go to the Hive, read the interesting and controversial material, then I normally come back to Stingtalk and write a book on it.

I try to support Stingtalk because I want to have an alternative if either the Hive or Stingtalk tanks for one reason or the other. Jonathan could run off to Europe with one of the BOTDs on the Hive and never be heard from again.

As soon as Stingtalk or some other Tech board becomes a major player in the board game, I will probably devide my time equally. Heck, I wouldn't mind deviding it three ways. There is another caveat, I could get thrown off one of the boards and still have the other to post my sagas.

Adamni, all others, thanks for the information regarding premium posting.

Some give in to peer pressure and others do not. If you pay the $60 per year, and decide you want to repost the information on the general board, I wonder if they can legally kick you off the premium board?

Hey law-bee, if I pay for the information, can I distribute it free to others?

Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Adamni, all others, thanks for the information regarding premium posting.

Some give in to peer pressure and others do not. If you pay the $60 per year, and decide you want to repost the information on the general board, I wonder if they can legally kick you off the premium board?

Hey law-bee, if I pay for the information, can I distribute it free to others?

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I dont see any legal problems from posting on a message board what you read from another website. If you took info that was copywrited and did not give proper credit then that could be copywright infringement. But if you say "I just read ....... on the hive" I certainly do not see any problem there.

I think what most people are concerned with is that the premium forum on the hive will keep info secret from the free forum on the hive. I doubt very seriously this will happen. But if it does then people will go somewhere other than the hive to post the info. Like I said earlier people love to break the news and there will be MANY people that do not pay the $60 for premium.
I knew this was going to happen. To get the premium subscription, you have to pay $60 per year. That will be the only way to get the "inside information". I'm sure if anyone posts any of the "inside information" on the free message board it will be deleted so that the people that didn't pay can't get the info for free. That is one of the best things about having the Hive the way it is now is that we can always get the info as soon as possible. Now to get the inside scoop you will have to pay money. RR claimed that you would be able to get everything you can get now, without having to pay money, but if you wanted to pay money then you will just get even more. Not true. We will have less information unless we pay the money.

