new poster


Flats Noob
Oct 30, 2002
I am new to this board, and I have never posted on the hive. I will not join the hive, but I do read it. I will convey my feelings on the state of our football program shortly. I have been going to Tech games since 1956. During the bad years of the early 1980's I would jog with my Tech colors on and people rode by and laughed. Well they don't laugh anymore!!! My family bled white and gold, Dodd, Ciraldo, Baughn, Lothridge,Perdoni, Swilling, Jones, and all the other's that gave their blood,sweat,and tears for the great tradition that is ours today. We are at a cross road right now and I am concerned with what is going on. I will in my next post let you know my thoughts both good and bad. The bad not to be mistaken for an unabashed negativity. I will always love and appreciate those that sweat for our school.