New progress toward degree requirements by NCAA...


Damn Good Rat
Aug 20, 2002
is it just me or do we seem to be the only school that is taking this seriously?

why aren't other schools panicking and raising standards?

i know we have it tougher than others but that was true before the new requirements and our grad rates, while not great, were middle of the pack.

Why would schools like FSU and Miami not be affected more than us, they have so many players turn pro early, plus the usual transfers, flunkouts, and athletes that fail to graduate...

seems to me like we are overreacting...
Why? Because they still have the classes to hide them in. If GT had the classes to hide the athletes in, then it wouldn't be a problem .
It is MUCH easier to major/progress toward a degree if it is Parks & Rec instead of Mgt and Engineering.
of course it is...but athletes are still flunking

out in those schools, turning pro, getting arrensted/kicked off the team, and just not graduating.
If the so called football factories were creating these new majors now then i would understand, but they've had them for a long time, and still weren't graduating players any better than we were under O'Leary (some were better many were worse, but overall we were middle of the pack in grad rates.

i am sure you could go back to miami's last NC team and some key players would of not been eligible under the new requirements.

seriously, i don't understand...the new changes by the ncaa are dramatic, and i've never seen it even mention on a rivals board, but its talked about on the Tech boards almost daily....
Re: of course it is...but athletes are still flunking

my favorite is...leisure and recreation services. Is that some kind of preparation for running an asian massage parlor?
Re: of course it is...but athletes are still flunking

Going pro doesn't hurt the statistics, nor does transferring hurt much if the kid is eligible. The secret is having a major that they can keep up with. Graduation rates don't hurt yet as that isn't really being graded yet IIRC.

But seriously, when you can steer players into Leisure Studies, or any of the other BS degrees that some school have, they should be able to both get them in and keep them eligible.
Re: of course it is...but athletes are still flunking

Whats really sad for those players is after school what have they got? A degree but about a worthless piece (as the old saying goes) of sheep skin. I never remember seeing an athlete in any of my tuff courses except English. The Universities do a disservice to their athletes.
Re: of course it is...but athletes are still flunking

Some of you still don't get it. Most of those 4-5 star recruits are not in college to get an education. They would go straight to the NFL if they could. My husband asked a friend about a very highly recruited player from our high school where the player was probably gonna go. His response was "He thinks he is going to heaven!" If that don't spell if out for you guys, nothing will. (in other words, I have never heard a student-athlete describe life at GT as "heavenly") Most of these kids are gonna take the path of least resistance that will lead them to the NFL.
One HUGE difference between Tech and other schools

is that most Tech students declare their majors from day one. Thus, EVERY course they take beyond their allotted number of free electives MUST be degree applicable (versus degree acceptable).

At many schools, students declare majors after the completion of their sophomore year. Thus, every course taken during the first two years (except remedial courses) can be degree acceptable and they don't have to worry about degree applicable courses until the major has been declared.

This is one of the biggest issues in our NCAA investigation, as well as a major reason progress toward degree is a much more serious concern at Tech than at most places.
Re: New progress toward degree requirements by NCA

Just for fun, here are the majors of our starters and of UGAg's starters. Determining which is which is left as an exercise for the reader.

Major (# of starters in major)

Sports Studies (9)
Child and Family Development (1)
Recreation and Leisure Studies (2)
Consumer Economics (1)
Pre-Business (2)
Sociology (2)
Social Science Education/History (1)
Speech Communication (2)
Housing (1)
Chemistry (1)

Management (16)
Industrial Engineering (1)
Public Policy (1)
Building Construction (2)
Undecided Engineering (2)
Re: of course it is...but athletes are still flunking

well if graduating doesn't matter then why the heck does everyone on all these message boards keep saying that O'Leary's poor grad rates are the reason we need to make all these changes?
i know uga and the most everywhere else has easy

majors, but they've always had them..

From my position here is the reaction from the ACC/SEC schools regarding the new requirements (they can be divided into 2 groups)

Everyone in the ACC and SEC except GT:
1. Absolutely nothing

1. Significantly raise admission standards.
2. Significant reduction in fan expecations for the short and long term success of the program.
3. Significant reduction in expectations by the atheletic association.

Isn't at least possible that we are overeacting?

Or is it also possible that the admninistation is using this as an excuse for signifantly raising the admission standards?

At the very least i think we are WAY ahead of the curve on this issue.
Re: i know uga and the most everywhere else has ea

Isn't at least possible that we are overeacting?

[/ QUOTE ]

Certainly - but it's also possible we have an intelligent, pro-active administration who want to make sure we meet the standards.
Re: i know uga and the most everywhere else has easy

i think the admninistation is clearly using this as excuse to raise the standards. from what it seems all this stuff from the NCAA seems like a PR move and nothing more. nothing will really change it seems, judging by every other schools reactions. Then again how hard is it to graduate when your toughest exams have questions like how many points is a three pointer worth?
Re: New progress toward degree requirements by NCA


Sports Studies (9)

[/ QUOTE ]
Love this one--How much is a three point basket worth?
Re: New progress toward degree requirements by NCA

My wife was a consumer economics major at UGAg. Her major used to be called 'Home Economics'. It is a joke major. Even she admits it. Her toughest class was an introductory insurance class. Nowdays she can't even balance our bank statement...
Re: New progress toward degree requirements by NCA

Recreation and Leisure Studies (2)

[/ QUOTE ]

Can someone with a little extra time please give us a rundown on what sort of classes one has to take in order to pursue this degree - should lighten the mood of the board immensely!
Re: New progress toward degree requirements by NCA

Quick search found this Recreation and Leisure Studies Classes

and a fun bit from one of the descriptions:
Review of techniques for enhancing leisure awareness, leisure attitudes, decision-making skills, and resource utilization.

[/ QUOTE ] Enhancing leisure awareness? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif
Re: New progress toward degree requirements by NCA

"Dude, you've gotta slow down, man, or you're gonna burn yourself out"

That right there is an A+ thesis for the class then!