Nothing good happens on Ponce


Dr. Dunkingstein
Feb 24, 2004
Sources reporting that Watson got picked up for getting a hummer on Ponce this morning.

No word if it will affect his eligibility for tonight's game.

More to come.
I heard the same thing through friends in the APD. I hope it doesn't affect is eligibility tonight, or we'll have Clemson fans pulling the same excuse as 2014.

Wonder how Dabo is going to handle it.
Are you sure it wasn't getting into a Hummer?

/words mean things
I don't get it. You'd figure Clemson would have a couple of ladies ready to avoid these sort of situations. Some guys just like the thrill I guess.
First off, I hope DW would not do something that dumb.

But, if he did, I do not want to see him in uniform tonight. At least not an orange one. I mean not an orange one with numbers on it. I mean... you know what I mean. :hsdance:
I don't get it. You'd figure Clemson would have a couple of ladies ready to avoid these sort of situations. Some guys just like the thrill I guess.

I thought that their fans were saying that they were an elite program now. Guess not.
First off, I hope DW would not do something that dumb.

But, if he did, I do not want to see him in uniform tonight. At least not an orange one. I mean not an orange one with numbers on it. I mean... you know what I mean. :hsdance:

Probably to close for tonight's game to do anything. But he may be watching the Cardinals game from the sidelines.
Guess Hurricane Watson came blowing in too early?


Tornado Watson blew too early


Tropical storm Watson blown away before game

Look who got picked up this morning for prostitution. Coincidence?
That homo. Oh wait.. No homo, he be picking up that nice southern gal shown above in the photo!
My illegitimate children would object to this threads title. Well...most of them...

Good for Watson getting some pre game jitters out of his system.
I just remembered seeing a post on Twitter last night that said a group of players came into the Clermont last night while he was there. I think he had a photo of them, a couple had Clemson hats on.

I've been searching and trying to find the post now. I know it was someone I follow, but I can't for the life of me find it now. I wonder if he realized it could get the players into trouble and deleted it?