Now I get this season...


Dr. Dunkingstein
Feb 24, 2004
Last season was about ending streaks. Long streaks against Dike, UNC, UGa, VT, Miami, and to a lesser degree Clemson all ended.

This year it is stadium streaks. Duke broke the Durham streak, UNC broke the BDS streak. Enjoy the wins over Clemson, VT, Miami, and UGa. Prepare for the butthurt at UVa.

I guess the only games that aren't predetermined are FSU and Pitt.

Sorry for ruining the uncertainty of the season.
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Spoiler tag would have been appropriate.

I'm going to go watch Pitch Perfect now.
I could go with those wins, assuming we get at least one of the two of Pitt, FSU.
The Pitt game worries me. Those people are crazy and looking for payback.